Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

Barenjude did not state group-level gear. He said group content.


These posts always boil down to solo players wanting better gear.

Hence why I said gear not content.

still everything you said means nothing to me.

and the rp is exactly the point I’m making. but you refuse to see what we are asking.

we aren’t asking for end game content. we aren’t asking for higher level gear.

we are asking for content and rewards that fit our playstyle like it used to.

i’m sorry if you can’t see it, don’t want to see it or just refuse to see how others engage this game.

I’m done talking to you as it’s getting no where. You think you are right and there is nothing I can say that will change that. so… have a wonderful day.


That’s a personal problem then.

It’s not a valid point. RP is something that isn’t designed in the game. It’s just something people can do.

You may not be asking for higher level gear but most people are.

You’re so out of touch you don’t realize that solo play has never been rewarded. SL is the most rewarding for solo play in the history of the game.

Rewards is gear /facepalm.

I’m sorry you don’t realize that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Aka you can’t make a valid point and don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.


Wut x3

DG was never a end game content before they decide to make it so, and both legion/bfa gave better gear than heroic raid, currently besides mythic raid is the only other way to have access to mythic lvl gear.

this isnt up for debate, dg were never meant to be end game until they decide it was.

if that can happen to dungeon it could happen with anything really.

also torghast 16 perfect is hand down harder than M0 so if gear should be reward by difficult torghast 16 perfect should give gear around M10/15


honestly I think you guys are out of touch.

I can remember playing in open world and getting fun stuff that would keep me playing.

there is nothing now.

and the fact that you are so adamant about players like me getting nothing tells me more about you.

so again. have a wonderful day.


Tough engaging solo content should be added, and be the most rewarding IMO. Something players can’t buy other players to get rewards from, and can’t be carried through.

So if how hard the content needs to be “rewarding” solo content would be the hardest because you can’t depend on others only yourself.

That is the logic of the wow player base on rewarding by toughness that can easily be turned around on them.


I don’t know if you have heard of this thing called Looking for Group queue? Yeah, you can join group content as a solo player. Try using it sometime, the rewards there are better than you can get out soloing. lol

I knew all you cared about is group level gear for doing solo content.

What an entitled brat.

Stop asking for group level gear for doing inferior and less challenging content. Its getting EXTREMELY OLD.

Please provide examples of you “remembering playing in the open world and getting fun stuff” because from what I see, blizzard has the same type of things in DF and every other expansion since they started putting treasures in open world content.

Make group content gear only usable in group content. In open World it reverts to “everyone gear”. That sounds fun :grin:


Wrong again as usual. Dungeons were 100% a part of endgame.

MOP and WoD challenge modes. Say hi.

Also every expansion dungeons were part of gearing to raid. The issue was that after the first tier they weren’t as important.

You’re right. It’s not up for debate because you’re flat out wrong.

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Gear is one form of a reward, but not the only form. Mounts, pets, titles, appearances are all forms of rewards. Specialized output from a system can also be a reward, such as the vegetables from the farm from MoP.

You personally may not consider anything except gear to be a reward, but not everyone feels that way. While there undoubtedly are players who want gear as a reward from solo content, it’s a bad assumption that anyone asking for better rewards is asking for top level gear.

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You’re wrong.

Doesn’t mean it’s a primary endgame.

ZM alone added 200 mounts for people to farm.

You get normal raid gear. That’s not “nothing”.

ZM added like 200 mounts to the game for people to farm

Can almost guarantee everyone asking for “better content” don’t have any of them.

Sounds like someone needs their midday naptime.

I didn’t even bring up gear. I was speaking to someone else who was and was only correcting them. My entire stance in this thread is that solo content should just be better. I don’t care about gear.

You should probably settle down.


so for cosmetic and achievements? than we have a lot solo content that is end game too…

1 wrong, a lot xpac you would get better gear but killing rares and doing dailies.
2 gearing up for end game is not end game, what kind logic is that? if thats the case than quest is end game because it gives you gear to go into raid currently, thats asinine

please dont start burpin you are awesome while you ignore the part about torghast ty


20 maybe, but nowhere near 200 lol. I have made all but 2 possibly and have gotten all dropped mounts.


Well the elephant in the room…. It’s not 2004. World of Warcraft is not the behemoth it once was. If it’s going to survive it has to evolve at least somewhat. There will always be group content but like it or not Solo players are not a minority anymore, and more will be wanting to play, IF there is fun rewarding content for them.