Why do Solo players think they get nothing vs Raiders / M+ Players?

I mean for Item lvl progression, about 252 from the cypher gear was your cap anyway. After that there wasn’t really anything more to do in terms of Ilvls .

3 WB every Week currently can push the Ilvl just a bit higher.

But after that as a Solo player you are done and free to do something else…

Solo games do have an endpoint too.

But if they designed an escalating solo system similar to mythic dungeons that could be done solo for gear progression a solo player could theoretically play to their hearts content just like mythic players do

In your ideal scenario, would this be tied in any way to progression for others? What should the gap be to facilitate it, if so?

Not trying to challenge you, genuinely want to gauge what people are thinking of.

That would depend on how deep the took the levels, but again like I said I personally dont feel I need anywhere near mythic level gear

The Ilvls still needs to be capped at some point.
Some say between LFR and Normal,
Some say higher…
What is your stand?

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I’m on the same page as you, then. My frustration, though, is finding where the ‘solo tier’ of item level should fall.

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wow its messing with how my messages are posting

I think a torghast type system that capped out around normal level or so would be good enough for me but I couldnt speak for everyone. Like I said , right now Im running around at 274 and I think thats more than enough for me, my main gripe is more about the content itself. We need a solo progression system thats not just world quests cuz that doesnt keep people engaged and happy at all

Like, normal dungeons? Or normal Raids?

I would probably go normal raid level if I was making the call. We are talking about the level cap in a progressingly difficult system after all not just a set difficulty

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make it something you progress through, not like 5 floors and boom you get normal raid gear. Make it a progressive difficulty like mythic+ but something you do solo and can continue to progress through

Yeah, I get it. The only issue with having the level too high, though, is it becomes another ‘chore’ in a similar (but not necessarily identical) way to how Torghast turned out.

Still, since we can realistically make “Mythic+ difficulty” solo content given enough balancing work, I do think normal raid can work fine. Of course, if it has its own cosmetic rewards it can be a little discouraging to know that people doing group content can just walk over what may give the solo players a run for their money.

Unfortunately you’d also need to forego or be very careful with items that give effects, trinkets, or sets. Those can shake up balance for the entire game if they’re not given proper attention.

They could go the cypher gear route as far as effects go and give the trinkets effects that only work in said mode or what not

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Fair. Definitely a solid solution, though it leaves you with solo gear you can only use in that solo content, at least as effects go.

Its still solid progression that solo players could take pride in though

That is very true.

The system wasn’t that bad. The static stats, yea. But the fact you could progress at your own pace made it more meaningful than korthia, where that was a massive time sink drawn out over a long period of time. Zm, you could have 252ilvl 6/6 cyphers in a few hours.

content. they should be getting content. tell me what did blizzard give solo players in season 4? what?

nice try acting like you actually raid and are capable of downing bosses lol.

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Let them complain.

Blizzard made the mistake of giving players what they were complaining about (casuals demanded epics or they would leave… they got epics and they still left).

Blizzard won’t give in - they did once and it resulted in the thing they wanted to prevent happening.

This thread is dumb and you should feel dumb.

There are likely more single player games in existence than there will ever be multiplayer games in totality. Pretending like it is a complicated or unreasonable idea that aspects of the game be simultaneously engaging and rewarding for solo play is utterly nonsensical.

The fact that it is an MMORPG in no way undermines this - the two things can exist simultaneously. Half-life was a genre-defining FPS solo player experience, and its multiplayer spawned a massive gamut of games, including counterstrike, still played in functionally the same model today.

I want a good single player experience while playing with the same character that I occasionally play with friends too. I don’t want to log on to wow, go do a raid, log off, turn on baldur’s gate 3 and have my solo experience there.


Giving people gear isnt what anybody but trolls and the random lazy person asks for, giving us other methods of earning it is. And I do mean earning it, something doesnt become inherently cake walk just because it doesnt have four or more other people involved.