Why Do Raiders Care What iLvl Gear Open-World Players Are Running Around In?

Also, apparently facts are elitist now.

I used to raid just because I had a blast joking around a playing dance class with my raid team. The gear made solo world quests much more enjoyable.

Its a measuring contest. Its all EGO and I am better than you.

This thread is so bizarre.

I clicked the “summary” button. First time I’ve ever checked that out.

First post in the summary category sums it up: “they don’t”.

Why do open world players need the best gear if their activities don’t need them to have it? Open world players don’t need the best gear… raiders do because they’re doing content that is actually impacted by gear.

raiders dont care what you do.

Bring back justice points, make it drop from WQ, lfg and raid finder. You can use it to upgrade a set of gear you get from questing(or world content), up to heroic ilv. You get more as the tier progresses.

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Actually, skill>ilvl, why is it that open world players with less skill think Ilvl trumps all? if you ever did higher content you would understand that. but all you can do is rip on people that learned their class and did better for themselves. It isn’t end content people caring what ilvl you have, its you thinking ilvl has everything to do with end content. L2P then complain that open world deserves everything.