Why do posters fib about

Why do posters on the forum fib about not playing the game? It’s really awkward to get on a forum of a game you claim you don’t play, tell everyone how bad the game is and list reasons why you don’t play, but actually still keep playing the game. There are far too many websites out there to check alts, achievement dates, account activity, and to see last logout dates.

It’s not constructive to fib about not playing, it just makes you look crazy to hang out on a forum of a game you “don’t play”. We all have game time here, you can’t post on the forum without game time, so why do it?

Hello, I see you made a post about posters on the forum. I agree, that is a good question! Like you, I’ve only been playing this game for a few hours so I’m sure both of us are just as equally curious as to why anyone would say that they aren’t playing the fantastic game, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands! How could anyone not enjoy the exciting and diverse gameplay of Torghast as well as the largest, most gameplay extensive zone ever put into the game: Korthia!

Thanks for your post and I hope you continue to have a wonderful journey through World of Warcraft!



Haven’t even started korthia. Probably will never do it. Unless (god forbid) nothing changes for a year.

I mean, if you looked up my alts and such and were able to find my last time logged in, it’d look like I played just a few days ago.

That doesn’t mean I’m actually playing the game.

I logged in to take a quick clip to post in response to something on the forum.

A couple weeks before that, I had done an LFR wing on an alt to see if it generated any interest. It didn’t.

At some point, I ran Tazavesh with my SO because they hadn’t done it yet.

But that’s a handful of hours total, over the course of over a month.

I’m not playing the game.

Is it technically literal? No.

Is it effectively the truth? Yeah.

Me “playing the game” looks like what I’ve logged in the last month, but every day.


And you check everybody who posts to see if they’re playing enough end game to be permitted to access the forums? How large is the database you keep, and who do you share it with? And why is it so important to you to keep tabs on everybody you disagree with?

  1. you is a stalker.
  2. some of us have been here for over a decade so its totally understandable to post about changes we would like to see considering the current state of the game

did you even read the op? It has nothing to do with not posting about the game, it has everything to do with telling people you don’t play when you really do.

I am concerned about your concern.


yeah i see alot of folks asume alot i was addressing the assumption that if folks post here they all must play and love the game

and i don’t really believe the claim you make about checking up on folks so yeah thers that

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Some folks just want the world to burn for their own enjoyment. :frowning:

Or: misery loves company.

…and finally: People got good news for anyone who loves bad news. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Them be my top three guesses.

When do posters not fib about most things on the forums?


Another forum troll this one is.

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Hrmm maybe from trying to convince themselves not to play?

When you’ve done something for 13 years or something quitting is like ending a relationship and there is always a chance to rebound, even sometimes can be an unhealthy relationship.

Who are you calling a troll?

You missed the good old days, back when trolls actually trolled people. Man, trolls would incite so much anger in people. Today nobody knows what real internet trolls are, you new guys call someone a troll just because they call someone out for lying or you disagree with them.

They lie to complete strangers on the internet that couldn’t care less if they play the game or not to convince themselves not to play? What?

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Oh, like the ‘sex leg’ troll with malicious links?

You just like causing trouble.


I don’t think it’s healthy by any means but it is what it is.

Whatever that means.

Players who claim to not play the game and rant about how bad the game is are here for trouble, not someone who calls them out on their shenanigans.

I’m trying to remember when I played last. I think it was July. I have a year long sub from a gift card. It doesn’t expire until April. So spending my time here playing the forum game. Part of me does hope the next expac will impress.

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