Why do players like WoD so much?

i liked many things in WoD, how we went and found our followers out in the world for the mission tables, the profession were excellent and a good gold maker and the crafted gear was viable to wear most of the expansion, the endless gold , pvp was pretty good, the pvp gear scaled against pve gear pretty good in combat, I for one enjoyed my garrison and the crafting buildings and my own ah and xmog station, was great fun on a pvp server, the battles outside my garrison was endless, questing was good, we had lots of new type of puzzle and thinking quests, the many new elite world bosses/quests, the treasure hunting, some my favorite raids, imo it was a good expansion.


Agreed. I still like WoD even though it’s been a long time since I’ve been there.

WoD gets high reviews for its leveling.
WoD gets awful reviews as an overall expansion, due to a SEVERE lack of content.

Most people are fine with the content it did have though, as opposed to something like Shadowlands or BfA (depending on who you ask) which both had tons of content, but with a large percentage of it being disliked by players.

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I like BfA now that they’ve removed all the azerite & systems furniture.

Now it’s pretty good. I’ve leveled a toon or two through BfA. It’s lonely doing so though.

hello : were you looking for me ?

It used to. There was a time in AV when we could use Goblin shredders there too.

lol. The expac was a garbage fire. Everything was broken, the story was rushed. They sacrificed content.

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and nothing has changed since.

They obviously don’t remember being stuck on ground mounts and getting dismounted by random flowers. lol


WoD had garrison dynasties and what I remember as pretty good PvP.

Was before the template crisis in Legion absolutely ruined random BGs.

WoD was my favorite leveling experience and bringing us as close to player housing as could be possible by Blizzard was welcome.

The problem is that everything else sucked.

I will take a selfie with this post.


This does seem to get a little worse each expansion. And it makes me wonder how much longer wow can go on with its current engine. I’m not necessarily talking about wow 2, but surely, they will need a new engine soon, even if it is just to transfer everything over.

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WoD and SL was garbage and I refuse to wear those rose-colored glasses, no matter how much time passed.


I played WoD and it’s still my second favorite xpac behind legion. Loved the story, questing, raids, and it was the best ret paladin has ever felt, plus it was the last time I really enjoyed playing warrior and fr dk


I enjoyed WoD a great deal, it was very casual friendly, fantastic expansion imo.

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That was not my experience. It was generally raid logging and mission tables.

You listed the only good things about the expansion too. There was just nothing to do in-game. The world felt dead due to Garrisons being an overly-convenient hub for everything. You effectively were leveling up alts to generate more raw gold and get Mythic loot.

So, no troll, what did you actually do during WOD? I ran out of things to do after 2 weeks. And was pretty much done with all the content after 1 month (Highmaul was fun, BRF was fun). It was just raid logging after that. And then TJ and HFC dropped, and I was done in 2 weeks.

I’ll let ellrondd speak for himself.

Personally, I spent basically all my time in bgs, because pvp was so fun in Wod. I did get somewhat bored, but the pvp scene was at a high point.

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All fair.

My main wasn’t very fun to play in PVP, but I’d exploit the hell out of Ashran’s Artifact. Then leveled multiple druids in the last patch by using the Flight Form power-up and getting fragments from satchels, stumps, etc. Fully geared in Honor gear in like… 4-6 hours. Then spamming YOLO RBGs for Conquest and capping gear after a week or so.

But that was mostly leveling gear at that point.

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Its my go to for leveling becasue treaures and bonus objectives make it fast its a toss up between legion and wod. But i wont go to either untill i can fly