Why do players like WoD so much?

Untrue, I have been here longer than the staff at Blizz. WoD sucked, I enjoyed MoP, it is down right beautiful.

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Untrue, I have been here longer than the staff at Blizz. WoD sucked, I enjoyed MoP, it is down right beautiful.

That’s exactly what I’m saying. Only people who played in MoP disliked WoD.

And nobody really played MoP because it was an awful expansion. Literal kung fu panda’s at the HEIGHT of the franchises popularity. SMH.

People hated MoP because it was Asian. People flipped out over Chen Stormstout.

Probably why I like WoD I guess because well…I do a lot of Solo play :laughing:

Yea, and people hate dragonflight because it’s filled with prancing lizards.

Aesthetic matters.


The issue arose when the focus shifted too much towards solo play, leading to a neglect of guilds

Vanilla WoW was 90% content that could be done solo/duo. And the other 10% was group content.

Idk when MMO fans decided to retcon the game’s history and say that playing solo wasn’t what people did 90% of the time in MMOs.

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I loved WoD and my garrisons (well, the alliance ones anyway). I also realize it was a heavily flawed expansion due to them cutting content short to get to Legion.



I never claimed that 90% of Vanilla WoW content couldn’t be done solo/duo, and 10% was group content. My point was that over time, newer features and ideas have increasingly focused on solo play. I’m referring specifically to new content, not just the continuation of existing content.

Warlords of Draenor (WoD): This expansion marked a significant decline in guild-specific content. The guild leveling system was completely removed, effectively setting all guilds to level 25 automatically. The removal of guild perks and the Cash Flow perk, along with the introduction of the garrison system, shifted focus away from guild-related features. The only new addition for guilds was minimal or [More of the same] , highlighting the broader trend of reducing emphasis on guild mechanics.

I liked wod.
But i also joined wow during its last patch.

So with it being my first experience of max level content, and having access to the full expansions worth of content at once, i cannot judge it fairly.
Which is why i never include it in my expansion rankings.

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i came back at WoD after quitting during BC.

wod wasnt bad at all to me but i didnt get to experience wrath/cata/panda and i came back as a total noob so maybe it’s a factor.

As far as leveling and the open world content, I rather enjoyed Warlords. Playing in my own fort and little outposts was a nice boon too.

Only wish we got to kill Garrosh, but at least he his death was in game, not like poor Carine.


I won’t say WoD was my favorite. A lot of people hated it though, so I’m always finding myself on the side defending it. I really liked it a lot.

  1. I loved Burning Crusade when it came out because it had such alien environments, and WoD hit me right in the nostalgia for that.
  2. WoD had a great leveling experience. The zone stories felt meaningful and like they were leading up to something
  3. All the treasures and vignettes in the world were super cool, and discovering a new one was almost always a little burst of excitement, piecing together little side stories.
  4. The raids were really good, and Blackrock Foundry is still one of my favorites of all time
  5. People were torn on Ashran, but as a primary PvE player and only very casual PvPer, I enjoyed it a lot, and it felt like how I felt playing disorganized Alterac Valleys back in the day.
  6. I thought the garrison was cool, despite its shortcomings (mostly Alliance player, our garrison was rad). At least early on, I enjoyed the mission table, though it got kind of extreme when the shipyard was added. Finding/collecting allies to send on missions scratched the same itch that battle pets did for me early on, before we had so many collectables that they all merged together into an indiscriminate mass of doodads.

I think WoD would have been much better regarded if it hadn’t been obviously abandoned partway through development. Clearly we were missing out on some intended midsection of the plot, likely a whole new zone and raid before Hellfire Citadel (and maybe an uncorrupted Tanaan prior to the Legion invasion). Many of the characters could have been better developed, especially Yrel and the titular orc Warlords.

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Go watch Warlord of Draenor cinematic on World of Warcraft youtube channel - the first comment on the video will tell you why it is popular.

dont take my word, go watch and read the comment.

correction a large number of orc mains players like wod. along with the community of people who liked glad stance.

fr fr mists was peak wow.

for me mists, legion, wrath are my top 3
then BC wod and shadow lands etc…

Are these players on the forums with us right now?

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i liked it in principle but lets be real… the engine isnt handling 40v40 fighting in the same area very well at all.

game just cant.

maybe attempt it again for wow2 on a better engine or something :wink:

Yep. Ion got promoted then. Idk who’s idea removing flying was.

I still am unsure if it was just a troll, too as it didn’t make sense. The promo they had for the expac was a flying mount.
Why then would they remove flying? Doesn’t make sense but that’s what happened.

It cast a pall all over WoD, too.

WoD was extremely awful for the time. But because BfA and Shadowlands were much worse, it doesn’t seem that bad anymore… which is sad to say.

Also during this same time frame, the Warcraft movie was either being worked on or just coming out.

So along with all the old crew retiring, movie coming out and promotions, maybe things got a little haywire.

It did get wild for a bit there. Was funny til it wasn’t.