Why do players like WoD so much?

I notice when someone “polls” here in the forums, there’s a large number of players who vote “WoD” as being the best or most enjoyable content. I’m a BC baby, meaning I started WoW just before BC came out, so I LOVE the BC content most (and WotLK almost as much due to guilds back then) and I just don’t get the WoD love.

What am I missing that’s so great about WoD? Help me to understand your perspective?



Where is this “large number of players” you speak of?


Most are just being facetious.

WoD was pretty spectacular for making lots of easy gold via the Garrison though.


Great leveling, great class design, great raids, great casual pvp, good itemization systems

Even with the lulls in content, the expac was great

It’s just a meme to rag on the expac


I also enjoyed the armors that expansion had, was good stuff, lots of wasted opportunities in that expac though and cut content that also f’d with some of the story (Ogrim Doomhammer stuff).


If you liked raiding, WoD was great.

If you expected anything out of the overworld, then you were in for disappointment.


Nailed it.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


WoD is my favourite expansion only because of - Ashran! The original version is so much better and the non-stop struggle is so addictive!


Using Ashran you could have your character decked out in full conquest gear almost instantly, which of course makes unrated pvp far more fun than an endless slog of getting deleted by rated players.

The zones and music were also great.


Because WoD was a great expac that got unfairly destroyed by the no-flying idiocy that blizz had a dalliance with for a few years. That and the massive amount of cut content (raid tier, dungeon, an entire zone etc).


WoD is one of the worst-rated expansions, along with BfA, SL, and DF. But sure, everyone loves it.


I haven’t seen the phenomenon you’re talking about, but WoD generally has good content. I think raiders in particular really enjoyed it (minus the first fight of Hellfire).

That said, pretty much everyone knocks the lack of content, especially the content drought.

I do think a lot of people are reappraising it, though, trying to evaluate the content we did get.

I think there’s been a big shift to look again at Cata, too.


citation needed


Nah the over world was fine this is also a meme

Like, do you get anything out of the 10 different world events that DF created?

I’m sure there’s very little difference between engagement because the content is trivial

If they made the overworld alive and dangerous like original wow, then maybe we could see better engagement in world systems

Also world pvp was a thing still in WoD, especially in Hellfire Citadel with the class trinkets lol

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The zone stories are great, I liked having a Garrison, and it was the best leveling experience in WoW for the longest time.

The transmogs were pretty rad too.


WoD wasn’t bad itself. The content drought was terrible though.

The raids were solid and I’m still using my Garrison to this day. (Unlike Class Hall, which were awsome but dont have the same utility)


still havent used the selfie cam …and just because we talking about wod just remembered that it even exists.


WoD had fantastic raids/dungeons. Didn’t have much outside of those and the garrison. Also had a truly epic content drought at the end of the expac. I really enjoyed WoD. Wouldn’t call it the best expac I’ve played though.


If you liked Apexis Crystal farming, I’m sure it was a riot.

I think WoD had good ideas that just weren’t fully realized. The lumber collecting thing had potential. Same with the trapping.

I just think they shouldn’t have made the Garrison a resource hub as well as a quest hub. Garrisons, again, were a good idea, but also an example of too many eggs in one basket. It just seems like they were ambitious and had a lot of great ideas, but couldn’t finish the expansion without upsetting the corporate goons at Activision.

In any case, the theme of WoD was incredible. Just a missed opportunity.


WoD had some of the best raiding. People cried homogenization, but some specs were doing very well in design. Aspect of the Fox was huge back then, but now it’s not even a big deal.

Garrisons were player housing, but not the way people wanted… whatever that’s supposed to be.

WoD ran super duper well on my PC back then. I had, like, a 4690k and a 7870 Ftw (and later GTX 970).

Now, I’m on a 7800X3D and 7900 XT, and I wish my gameplay felt as smooth as back then.