Why do players like WoD so much?

That’s because gear would matter a lot. If someone was a much higher ilv, it was near impossible to kill them.
And pvp gear had better stats in pvp. So even if a raider were to enter pvp with a casual, if that casual had been farming bgs than their gear would be as good or perhaps better than the raiders for pvp content.


IDK. I still think Suramar was the best story experience in this game, once they ungated it, that is. When you had constant bottle necks it kinda ruined it. But later in the expansion it was a very enjoyable experience to replay.

I took a lot of alts through there in Chromie time, or as far as I could go before I was booted :frowning: .


I’ve been saying this ever since WoD itself, and my opinion haven’t changed.

The stuff that WoD does have, they’re good stuff.

The problem was that WoD has almost NOTHING.

What you got at launch? That’s all you had, for almost two full years! The ONLY “new stuff” we got were: Shipyards, the Selfie Camera, and Tanaan Jungle in the last patch. That’s it.

Oh, and being strung along for a year that “flying is coming!” before it turns into “no flying ever again!” The backlash was huge, because at that point, we’ve only gotten the Selfie Camera as new content. So many players quit. So they relented and gave us the notoriously grindy Pathfiinder in Tanaan Jungle — the last patch.

Just to imagine it, if you guys didn’t play WoD while it was current. No new raids for 1.5 years. No new zones for 1.5 years. No new BGs since the launch.

THAT’S why WoD was hated.

The stuff WoD had was good. There’s no doubt about it.

But WoD had almost NOTHING, and that’s the problem.

EDIT: and WoD came after MoP’s 14-month content lull! Players just endured over 1 year of SoO and Timeless Isle, only to go into another content drought right off the bat. So back to back, that’s literally almost THREE YEARS worth of content drought!! And you guys wonder why so people quit during this time period?


Idk I pretty much skipped almost all of WoD. Oddly I had 6 months free due to the WoW token that disappeared pretty fast.

I tried the ogre raid then left after I was a bad dps I guess in the guild I joined. Finished that later in LFR, then came back and tried each raid in lfr a bit and the last zone a little bit. My mission table was barely touched or the ship table thing.

I kinda mostly just checked out in WoD cause I was super bored with it.

Nothing about it stood out to me as amazing and the phasing was wonky as hell. I also thought the starting intro zone was super cheesy as hell. Reminded me of Borderlands intros.


Class design was great imo. TBC similarly introduced a lot of sub-aspects to a lot of the classes, WoD did that as well.
The Garrison was a good idea as a whole they just never did much else with it.
Storylines were fantastic
Questing was actually fun, and I never felt annoyed repeating quests on an alt

The raiding was hilariously fun, but they had a long drought of content combined with lackluster features.
The class design was great, but they didn’t keep pushing that.
The Garrison was good, but as noted it didn’t get developed
The zones looked amazing, but they also kept teasing about content that just never came out.

WoD was a great idea they just didn’t complete it for some reason. Some people kind of just assumed they were prepping for legion already so they just left it alone as is.


I remember a lot of raiders grinding conquest gear to skip early tiers, you just had to run a couple Ashran to get base gear. I started out Elric that way and had no problems from the start. DF is worse since there is no tier on crafted nor honor gear, I only played until people started getting their 4 piece then quit until the next season’s gear reset.


WoD had great stories in it, too. The quest stories. Frost Wolf clan, Snowpaw, the lost lovers, the old soldier, etc…

So many really great stories in WoD. Made questing there very fun and interesting.


Perhaps some truth to that, but WoD was almost universally hated at the time it had launched. I guess something people forgot about:

They tried to take away flying ENTIRELY.

And I mean that quite literally, they took away flying and there was no intention of ever bringing it back. In the end, they compromised by implementing the “Pathfinder” style of achievements as a way to unlock flying as you progressed through the expansion. Blizz cave into demands after about a full year of the forums being up in arms over the whole thing (and WoD being a “flash-in-the-pan” for subscriber numbers, big spike that left after that first month).

The world content, apart from the generally solid leveling and questing experience, was reviled due to the “apexis dailies” that were promptly ignored from day 1. People literally spent most of their time meandering around their garrison because there was no “world content” they wanted to do. Mission tables, an abomination of a feature that stuck around until the end of SL (haven’t seen a trace of it in DF, thankfully), were also introduced; it created the meme that followeres were having adventures rather than players.

There was also a LOT of cut content and an extremely long patch cycle with nothing to do. The “S.E.L.F.I.E. Patch” sounds like a joke, but it was real; the only meaningful thing added with a major patch was a toy that allowed you to take pictures of your character making silly faces. It’s “common knowledge” that a huge amount of things were scrapped during the expansion so they could focus on Legion instead, because WoD was likely declared a dud internally and there was no real attempt to salvage it.

There was also a big stat-squish (the first) and ability pruning going on, severely limiting several classes & specs. I was certainly unhappy about some of the changes.

Dungeons & raids were still well-received… but that was about it.

In any case, WoD fully deserved the hatred it got at the time of the expansion. If you’re looking at it today, you have to keep in mind that you’re more or less looking at the handful of the “good features” the expansion had. Which is mostly the leveling experience and maybe the group content.

You may not even realize that you were supposed to be on-foot for the whole thing as well.


It wasn’t an assumption. They literally outright told us. They wanted to go with a yearly expansion release, so WoD’s content got pruned to match that “one year” expectation.

They told us that! When they realized WoD was gonna last two years, they went extra hard on Legion.

We also have many previews of the content that got cut. Honestly, it’s depressing what they cut.


Ashran was a huge thing, and I do remember even pve players wanting that pvp gear.

There were still a lot that didn’t realize the difference though. I think there might have also been boost at that time, because some people would just enter end game pvp and fall over dead in a second. I do remember some people complaining that pvp gear was too good, and how they were raiders ect, but that might have just been a vocal minority.


WoD was wow worst exp.
They even stop the subs report because the lost millions of players.
I could write a text wall to prove a point or just write Trashran.


I remember that. Old crew was retiring, Ion got promoted and they did a promotional thing if you bought WoD early you’d get a flying mount.

Then they tried to ground us. I still don’t know if that was a troll on Blizzards part but it was def stupid.
Forums erupted, everyone freaking out so I posted that when I need something taken care of, I contact the top dog.
Apparently someone was listening because next thing I know the CEO is getting hammered on Twit and through email and it was reversed.

Seriously though, they opened themselves up to a lawsuit if they’d taken flying away so I think that’s what did it.
That and getting the attention of the top dog.


Well no, they didn’t outright say: “hey sorry we left you on maintenance mode so we could work on another release”

It was mentioned that they severely underestimated the amount of work that Garrisons and everything would take as far as how WoD would play out.
WoD was already taking too long to come out, so they likely didn’t have much work done on the later content, which messed up the expansion cycle.
In an interview they also said that they changed plans halfway through when it turned out Gul’dan was a much better villain then Grom, which probably meant they scrapped a lot of their plans.

The cut content in interviews was specifically mentioned to be stuff that they thought didn’t fit the theme of the expansion or felt better/worse in various ways.

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Personally, I think Wod would make a good remix, because it had some good features but wasn’t built to last. So, something like remix where you are there for a limited time, would probably work well.

Of course, I also think that legion would build far more hype as a remix with the return of tmog from there.


Oh, that was quite the weekend. :joy: The news came out via a third-party magazine at 4 pm on Friday. On a three-day weekend (it was Veteran’s Day, I think. Or maybe Labor Day).

On the bright side, I made a couple of new Battle.net friends during that weekend on the forums. We’re still buddies! LOL.


WoD was mostly popular for players that did PVP in instanced content for the most part.

But for PVE and everything else? Eh…

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Um, I can’t help but feel like you’re splitting hairs here. Because in your post, you went on to say the same stuff that I did — that they didn’t expect WoD to last two years, and that they cut a whole lot of content. Are you seriously quibbling over my choice of words? :woman_shrugging:t3:

EDIT: man, my phone’s autocorrect is not agreeing with me today.

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to be fair, the raid tiers were really fun imo.

Blackrock foundry was amazing


I’m “quibbling” over the fact that a lot of this was based on assumptions from people extrapolating what the devs said across a few hundred Q&A session and twitter posts.

Also what we said implied two entirely different lines of reasoning for why the expansion was cut short.

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i had presences aqlong with other stuff that made me a hero class. the expansion was a dog turd for content but i was having fun in the last expansion before blizz ruined it

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