Why do players like WoD so much?

I have never seen that happened - maybe you have some examples you could share

In my opinion WoD was nice expansion. I realized that years later that no matter how much content blizzard gives, players will not be happy.

WoD was amazing. They added new models, amazing raids, beautiful zones, amazing story, garrisons are most amazing thing in game. I didn’t had to interact with anyone to craft something.


Yes WoD lacked content because a lot was cut due to the fact that back then Blizz was trying to attempt it’s first try at doing expansion in less then 2 years. Since the yhad a smaller dev team bacl then too many people were pulled off to work on Legion to get it out faster then it actually did.

When they saw that wasn’t going to work and they were so far into buiilding Legion , WoD got sacrificed as far as content

However the content they gave like questing , raids and pvp (Ashran) were good . So even with the lack of quantity content what they gave was quality content that was enjoyable .

I know expacs after gave a lot more to make up for the lack but was it content people wanted to do . I mean Artifact Power farming , Azerite Farming and Anema farming ?


Simple .
Players wanted player housing on Azeroth and the ability to add things to them in the future as new expansions came out .

In other words they didn’t want a one expansion type of thing . They wanted a system that was evergreen and would carry forward into WoW’s future .


If you were a raider, the expansion was great, for everyone else though, was time to find a different game. So the people that are saying it’s great are probably the raid loggers.

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They’re trolling.
Patch 6.1 was such a disappointment, everyone already mentally checked out of the game to wait for Legion.




The problem with WoD wasn’t the quality. In fact, everything in WoD was actually quite good from the class design and leveling to the dungeons & raids. Even PvP balance was good. The only real stinker was the devolution of Ashran.

The problem with WoD was just the lack of content. The only new content after hitting max level were the two raid tiers + intro raid. Tanaan Jungle only opened up in the last patch and before that there were no new quest areas or substantial story lines. That’s why alt armies with garrison gold farms are what everyone remembers most.


It almost killed the game, but people like it now because old = good and new = bad.


WOD had some of the best leveling in the game. The zones were full of things to see and do and in the beginning, collecting followers for you garrison was fun. Even having a choice of follower to follow you into the open world was kind of cool.

Also WOD had Hanz and Franz from the Blackrock Foundry raid, which was a very memorable fight.


yep, basically this. I did get bored in WOD, but at least I could pvp till the end. If the release cadence had been faster, I do believe more people would look back fondly on WOD

For all the things I like about Legion, the pvp was a downgrade.


I always liked WoD but what made it bad was the lack of content and having the focus centered on garrisons/shipyards. I see remember the bad bad move of having Tanaan locked behind a shipyard mission after Blizzard said they would not lock content behind garrisons. If you go and level through WoD it is fun and interesting. I still love going into the dark portal to get there. So fun with the NPCs named after players.

Lack of content and care is what made WoD bad, not the content we did get.


I’ve been playing since 2004… WoD was some of the most fun I’d had in WoW for a while, BUT that was just because the garrison follower stuff was so unique and fun for me. Once I got to max level and started doing the endgame stuff I was underwhelmed. I’m not sure if people are just having nostalgia for the wrong elements.

Edit: I would also add that’s where I made the most gold ever because of the alt/garrison stuff, but gold doesn’t equal fun to me.


It’s entirely possible. When you are in an expansion than you typically will see the things, you hate.

Looking back, it’s easier to see systems that you may have liked, that were removed. The pvp example, at the time people just considered it apart of the game, now we look back to it as one of the last times that gear made a huge difference. So, people reminisce about it.

I really liked wod, but I started in the middle of mop, so wow was still pretty new to me at the time. And I was still having some real noob moments.


Wod was great for alts. The classes were still in a decent state even though blizz had just started pruning. The pvp was still in an ok-ish state. The wod leveling could be interesting and painless with the consumables. And the economy was in a much better state than legion and after.

WoD’s problem was lack of content for pve’ers, not “bad content.”

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I imagine WoD was a wildly different experience for different people. If you were an open world/LFR player, you would be confined to the garrison pretty much, because nothing useful was rewarded anywhere else (they even removed tier sets from LFR). On the order hand if you were into PvP, WoD had the most accessible PvP to date.

If you played a warrior in MoP you were quite disappointed by the pruning in WoD. On the other hand if you played a ret paladin, they finally got the spec to perfection.


For me it was the last expansion pvp didn’t suck for casual players.


Idk anyone who likes WoD as a whole. It had its good features, but was overall pretty bare bones bad.

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WoD’s only issue was content pacing. There wasn’t a lot of it. But what it did have was really good, IMO.

  • The story was really good
  • Garrisons were my favorite addition to this game
  • Most of the specs were in a really good place, fun to play (until they ruined Demo lock)
  • PVP felt solid. Ashran was fun as a casual PVPer. My wife and I spent so much time there, I loved the mini games.
  • Every raid was great.

My only legit gripe with WoD was that it was one of the expansions I wanted to play all the time, but there wasn’t enough to do to allow that. Instead I leveled most of my alts that expac.

I’d honestly love to see it remixed.


As far as casual content is concerned, Wod was peak in having the most enjoyable leveling experience ever. Stories and side quests were fun, events and random encounters were fun, and tbh ashran was fun.

Anything beyond this wow suffered.