Why do players like WoD so much?

If by “old school wow” you mean wotlk garbage end game treadmill.

By all observable metrics, the expansion has been received fairly great by everybody who played it. New players and old alike.

And this is even reflected on the subs i’ve shown you while ago (though Sales/Subs a separate entity a lot of the times. ), which, i seen you have not learned from…

There’s a difference between having an unpopular opinion (my opinion on Legion and WoD) and outright stating something incorrect.

You can subjectively hate the expansion, but if it were garbage, it would’ve been reflected in majority of people’s opinions. Let alone subs and sales. But as i’ve said before, that’s not the case here. If anything, the universal opinion it seems is that Vanilla, and it’s first 2 expansions are excellent, while the rest atfer are mixed bags of varying degrees. Only viewed fondly in retrospect.

…Also, your level 70 classic with the achievement score of 860 suggests you either are completely new to the game and never played Wrath before, or you’ve intentionally skipped Wrath Classic. Either way, you’re coming off as if you haven’t even played it at all to come to this conclusion.

Infact… Now reading it a second time, it just sounds like you don’t even know how WoW worked since day 1…

WoD is one of the most memorable expansions for me. I did so much PvP (mm hunter, frost mage, and disc priest) and was the most social in-game than I had been in my entire lifetime playing WoW, and I haven’t been nearly as social since. I would definitely say that was the expansion I played the most consistently through too because the state of combat then was so much fun for me in PvP. And I missed when glyphs were combat related for a long time after it, but the new talent system more than makes up for that.

Heck yeah! Best part of the entire expansion lol. CM’s were good too, but my god did HFC ever drag on and on. Never wanted to see fel green again to be honest.

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Then Legion’s like “Hold my beer” and proceeds to vomit fel green all over the place, lol.

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don’t forget that WoD

  • Was the start of devs’ idiotic campaign against flying (which continued into Legion, BfA and Shadowlands)
  • Had patch 6.1 (a MAJOR patch) that was just the S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera and twitter integration
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pretty sure one of them got fired

i love goooooldddd!

Sometimes people deserve to be.

WoD aka “they start the wow subscriber charts at legion because they lost so many subs during WoD”

They claimed to have 10M+ subs at start of WoD which was down 1/2 by the end which brought it to vanilla levels of subs

I don’t understand honestly.

WoD was the worst expansion.

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I don’t find that true from what I noticed but I did find WoD pretty fun aside from its major flaws.

What we did have in WoD was fun, what I disliked was the lack of content in the long run, the long wait till Legion, and honestly, most of the mogs looked bad.

I had a blast with PvP in WoD and had plenty of fun when I raided a little with my guild even though they were terrible. The Garrison was cool but fell short of what we were promised.

PvP and leveling was one thing that it did right.

Class balance was on point.

The no flying was part of their plan in line with the cut content to also push for 12 monthly expansion releases.

They saw no point in allowing flying if by the time you were ‘done’ with the expansion, that is done all the zones, done all the quests, travelled to each dungeon and seen what was on offer that you were then looking at getting a new expansion shortly after.

Just look at the entire expansion as a whole, nothing was designed with flight in mind at all, minimal content, fast raid releases, and once they realised that was not going to work they backtracked, gave us a selfie patch, another Timeless Isle with too much to grinding and whatever else to waste our time while they figured out how to extend a 12 month expansion by 12 more months.

But at least it gave them time to work on Legion and give us that masterpiece.

Im sorry…but Imma have to SEE these polls with my own eyes. lmao.
Ive seen the sub charts TANKING in WoD, friend…I dont believe for a NY second that it was a mob favorite.

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Psychi said it better than I could on some strong core elements; also the zone stories were compelling (with some interesting, well-written central NPC characters), the zones themselves were gorgeous - especially Talador and Nagrand, and there was a fantastic, atmospheric soundtrack.

The abiding pity is that Blizzard, after the weirdly long middle expac content delays, decided to focus on pushing forward Legion development at full speed rather than properly finishing off Warlords; if all the planned, partially finished, but eventually cut content was actually implemented - the Zangar Sea fungal whale shark world boss, the Farahlon world zone, and the Liberation of Shattrath raid ? Warlords could have jumped from “decent, atmospheric fun” to “amazing”. But so it goes…

Wod is for some is a liked as leveling experience in chromie time. I like it there a lot.

It has decent amount of side xp makers to speed things up.

I have it 2nd to legion for leveling. Legion gives order hall fun.

Wod for me lost points when they nerfed the garden and mines. I walked away from that going well okay…no point to build this place up now is there. Then they broke crafting for mogs for a good long while for SL’s relic gear upgrade system.

I know they fixed it at some point, I think. it was jsut 2 years later I gave up caring to do it.

WoD era vengeance tanking was great

Challenge mode runs were great

The Questing was good

It had an amazing opening and a cool story and theme. It got dimished by the huge content drought when they were focused on Legion.

I main two toons; This druid and a BE mage, so I get both sides when there are seperate stories.

Main sticking point for WoD;

Tier ONE alliance garrison > Tier three horde garrison.