Why do players insist on making changes?

I wish blizzard would do polls like OSRS does.

I have a feeling many of the requested changes would pass easily at 75%+ only.

Stuff like faction changes probably won’t, but things like a barber shop or maybe even duel spec would pass pretty easily.

Anything about horde queues would have the entire alliance voting no so you’re out of luck there

I think it’s pretty simple: if you don’t want to play TBC, then don’t play TBC.

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I chose horde because I have played an orc warlock since the very beginning of TBC. I didn’t do it because of racials, or any other mechanical bullcrap that meta slaves are jumping around for.

I play horde because I think the horde is cool. That’s it. But you think its perfectly fine for me to be punished for other players choosing the same side as me? Why is that ok? Because you’re not horde you get to giggle and spew stupidity at those that are, not knowing how annoying the problem is.

I do want to play TBC moron. afking for nearly an hour to get to play the game is NOT playing the game.

Well this is obviously a troll post.

It’s fine if you want to play Horde but you must’ve not realized that a lot of other players wanted to play Horde as well creating your issue with queues.

ok I can work with that. Yes, if me and my guild had been paying attention we would probably have gone alliance instead. If they come out with a free faction change we will most likely swap to alliance. It’s extremely frustrating that one of the largest MMOs to ever exist can’t spend some freakin time to optimize and modernize the game. Faction imbalance being fixed should not be such a difficult thing to fix. Blizzard and the players should understand that ultimately this is a game, and we are paying a monthly sub for its upkeep. I believe it is in the best interest of the game to apply some sort of fix for this issue.
Imagine if they created something like ring of valor, but larger and with more traps for a neutral team deathmatch-esque battleground. Whoever kills x amount first wins. Simple, any faction can fight any faction, and queue times will become better. No need for a new mark for it, just give honor. We already do horde v horde fighting in arenas, it would clash with absolutely nothing if we just had more people on each team killing each other. The only clash is #nochange Andies who have not come to grasp with the fact that the game has already seen some changes, and those were in the hopes of creating a place for players to enjoy the game on equal footing.

Yes, it is. But the irony is that most of the “improvements” between TBC and retail made the game worse, not better. The whole point of Classic was to be able to play the game before all the “improvements” ruined it.

Polls are a terrible way to design a game. If given a choice, players would probably one by one get rid of all the obstacles in the game until it was just log on and everyone get handed all the best loot. And then everyone would immediately get bored and quit. It would be a disaster.

There was a Simpsons episode where Homer was asked by a car manufacturer to design the perfect car. What he came up with was a monstrosity. Yeah, it would be kind of like that…


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I feel the same whenever I see players asking for TBC changes since the game isn’t suitable as is for them.

A long line isn’t punishment. It’s just . . . a long line. There are more Horde queuing for BG’s than Alliance, so your wait is going to be a lot longer. No one is punishing you.

You’re mad at the wrong person. I didn’t make you choose the overpopulated faction. I’m also not Blizzard, so I can’t offer you a faction transfer - I don’t have that power. So why are you all hostile?

That being said, the OP was talking about people asking for changes. They didn’t even mention BG queues. That includes transmog, LFD, flying and everything else they can throw in. So my point is: if you don’t like the features in TBC, you don’t have to play it.

Like I said, you’re mad at the wrong person.


So there’s a version in retail that aligns more with the crowd who wants all the changes.

I doubt anything will happen since Blizzard didn’t fix queue times in Vanilla Classic and for me that’s fine.

Factions have cons either way but it’s up to us as players to decide if the cons outweigh the benefits of the faction we choose and in this case. If you’re so unsatisfied you’re only choice as of now is to reroll or quit.

My reaction is to the fact that you defend one of the wealthiest gaming companies in the world when they aren’t doing their job. I want them to actually invest in the game instead of creating crap like the boost and dark portal pass to shake extra coin out of their playerbase. They players chose to make factions imbalanced to the point that I feel it needs to be addressed. It’s that simple. Many others feel the same way. Now blizzard has a choice, lose a ton of players or attempt to fix the issue.

Neither of these choices has ANY affect on the nochangers.

We are talking about 15 or so years ago. They now have the tech, know-how, and manpower to fix it. They just choose not to. That’s why I put all the blame on blizzard. They have all the power here to fix things, and I swear if they start charging for faction changes I WILL be canceling my sub. I already pay for the freakin game. Stop double charging me for your own design flaws.

Why do you think Blizzard chooses not to? To punish you or to keep this version of the game close to how it was then as far as game design?

This isn’t a museum piece. Blizzard straight up asked us what kinds of QoL changes we wanted to see.

This isn’t Classic.
This isn’t “No-changes.” Blizzard realized their mistake with that awful philosophy.

Thats subjective though, I for one am enjoying the difficulty of dungeons, needing to CC and co-ordinate within the groups… week 1-2 I could only tank 1 or 2 mobs in heroics so needed at least 3 hard CC options, now I can reliably tank 2-3 without too much stress on the healer, but I probably could not tank without CC of some kind on the more dangerous packs (it was like this in early TBC and early Cata but went away at all other times in wow).

Its not a binary switch where if we make any changes it automatically becomes retail and leads to ruin. Reducing your arguments and vision to that really only shows how much you lack understanding of the game.

I am not so blind with rage that I would say they are punishing me. However, they will most likely try to turn a profit from these design flaws or outright ignore it due to sheer laziness and lack of incentive. My take is that the incentive is pretty clear, but perhaps blizzard does not find it enticing enough to do anything.

I hope you’re trolling, do you have a source?

If you think playing TBC as it was then is terrible then why are you playing to begin with?

Don’t speak for me, I’m level 70 and you’re level 26. I enjoy this game but I’m not naieve enough to think that it can’t be improved. I’m not paranoid of change.