Why do players insist on making changes?

The point of TBC Classic is to play TBC Classic not to improve on the game or make any changes to it. Really really struggling with the thought process here.


But that’s not what I asked. What I asked was, would you be ok with battlegroups since that was something that existed in the past. It would be a change to recreate TBC era BGs. And you sidestepped it. So which is it. Do you disagree with people asking for changes because the changes weren’t in the game before, or do you not like them asking for changes because you don’t want them to change something you currently like?

I wouldn’t mind it, would probably just be one battlegroup consisting of all PvP servers and PvE getting their own as well.

Time travel is not possible… the world in which TBC was launch has advanced 20 years. You can recreate the game but the experience of the game is MUCH MUCH different. Thats another big reason why people ask for changes.
Case in point… the world buff meta was not as a big of a thing as it became in classic but this time around we all knew how powerful it was and it created a VERY unauthentic experience.

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The experience was different every day even during original TBC but the game was authentic cause the changes asked back then were introduced later on.

I’m here to play the version of the game before those changes.

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Since I only want dual spec for several reasons (which I explained here: Dual Spec.. please? ) I am easy to get satisfied. :laughing:

Sure, the rng in rng in rng system can sometimes be insanely annoying, but overall I like and liked the class design, PvP and some PvE of TBC a lot. The reason why I am playing again.

Doesn’t mean that some other features wouldn’t make this very good expansion even better. Because right now, you are getting punished if you want to PvE and PvP (by paying 50g each time you need to respec for the specific game aspect). A punishment only people experience who can find fun in more than just one aspect of the game, which is absurd, unfun and from my perspective very unfair!

Why is their satisfaction more important? Shouldn’t we go with what the majority of the player base want?

There are different spheres or veils of awareness, if I could reduce the amount of awareness to its inner most sphere:
-the concept of #NoChanges makes sense, “I want a literal 1:1 recreation of TBC”,
-the next sphere of awareness is probably realising “well TBC spanned multiple years and in that time had many iterations and changes as it ran its course… what do I think was the best point in TBC or when was it at its most authentic”
-then you start becoming aware of “well even if we recreate that point, process or timeline of TBC we now have 20 years of knowledge we didnt have then, the world has advanced 20 years beyond that time, we need some way to account for that social, technological, economical etc”
-Finally you start looking at all that and start thinking so as a result of TBC and everyone knowing more about the game what problems were in TBC and fixes emerged since and do those make TBC better or worse e.g cross faction seals, seal twisting changes, drums changes, layering etc

There are probably some other spheres I am unaware of myself or have overlooked.

Imo Blizzard shouldn’t even consider it and I hope they don’t since we’re not playing a new game, it’s only a recreation.


I am telling you its not possible, time travel doesn’t exist… the concept of an MMORPG is that it is shaped by the interactions of the players, metas are different which creates cascading changes of their own.

a lot of people just want to play wow with the old-school class design and gameplay feel

stuff like bgs queues, insane respec cost, and dumb honor grind are not why they are here.

Then go back to your vulpera


And here you are wrong: they already left the state from the original game a lot. If it would have been a 100% tbc copy, fine, okay, I get the point. But it isn’t. It’s already shifted. They already improved by bringing in the daily hero quest. Why not improving it more - there is not a single reason.

Sure, you could argue that dual spec wasn’t within TBC, but then they should reduce the respec cost to like 50s. But then you guys would be less happy I guess, as everyone can respec at any time without even considering it.

Those interactions are based around game design and I would like TBC’s game design to remain as authentic as possible.

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so just because its already not 100% tbc that means its ok to make it even less like tbc? that is fallacious logic


I’m hoping the game doesn’t shift too far away from it’s original design and doing my part by not asking for changes introduced in later expansions all because players want to mold the game to their liking instead of appreciating what TBC is and accepting it as is.


As I have said: They could reduce the respec cost to like non existance if you just don’t want an additional feature. But this way, a lot more people would be unhappy I think and all they would have done is to reduce a virtual price… :wink:

Where is the border for “not too much”, when they already went waaaay too much (PvP start rating, daily hero quest which should come year(s) later, etc.)?!

The respec cost directly inhibits players from enjoying the game. It was designed as a gold sink, and I’m not sure how well it does that.

Maybe replace the respec cost with an in-game duel spec subscription? duel specs costs 250g a month in order to keep using? seems like a win-win. players can play the specs they want in pvp/pve and a gold sink is still in the game

i personally spent like 400g on respecs this week. i can’t queue up for arena as pve fire lol

its still a change, so no.

if you think we’re already too far from original tbc, why would you want to even go further away? that’s where the logical fallacy comes in.


Fair play, so its not actually the experience of playing wow that you are after, you are happy with a different experience as long as the game is as close as it was… when the rules/conditions change thats what you are against?

That might be a point of contention with the players, some players are looking to “relive the experience” - and I am pretty sure that is an offical marketing tagline in the promos, others are looking for the literal implementation being the same no mater what the experience is (like yourself), other still want a remastered/reimagined “classic+”.


I do want to play the game as is, but I shouldnt have to delete my damn character and completely remake it on alliance to increase the speed of queue times for pvp. This is a core mechanical issue that blizzard created with the two faction system and need to address it. Give use Free faction changes, a neutral battleground where we can fight hordevhorde, or mercenary mode.

Doing nothing about this issue fixes nothing and causes people to quit when they would otherwise be enjoying the game.