Okkaayyy. Now i’m feeling creeped out. Like seriously. What sane person would look through a person’s history. I feel stalked
I do like Rastlin threads, he puts a lot of thought into them, and I get a laugh out of them and the responses, and sometimes they’re serious enough.
I didn’t look through your post history I was reading this thread, and remembered you posting a thread just slamming the Kul Tirans before.
That’s still stalking.
Anyways, people can change opinions. Not the end of the world.
Researching your previous posts is NOT stalking. It is public record!
Dreta linked the thread in this thread, I didn’t know reading a thread was considered stalking. Every other thread on these forums has been one you’ve made. Maybe stop spamming the forums.
I’m fat and I have a tiny head.
Idk bro. You can always refer back to when you thought they were fat, that should answer your question
Okay I’ll bite. Nope wrong again. ALL humans began as runt Vrykul babies who were supposed to be killed by order of, cant remember but the Vrykul king. At this point there were no Gilneans cause no humans. Now later on it has been speculated that some of the settlers might have done the deed with some Drust which led to the larger Kultiran but they didn’t come first.
As to the size debate…yes big belly, double chin they are fat. Maybe not morbidly obese but big bones dont make you fat. Look at Vrykul or even Val’kyr models, those are big bones and fit. Playable Kutiran is fat.
Because they are. That is why.
They are not fat. They are just ultra-fertile which is why their women are always pregnant.
They are fat like holy crap yes they are i don’t need our BS THEY ARE FAT. No seriously they are Vrykul have the big model as well but are fit
Because if you’re not wraith thin or beefcaked into wacky alien proportions you must be fat.
There’s no nuance in Azeroth
If this was true then they wouldn’t tower over the rest of the population.
The large bodied variants wouldn’t be the only ones able to be druids.
Either in the quest area intro video or the blizzcon videos it was stated their best warriors come from Drustvar, this would not be the case if it wasn’t due to the dust ancestry, as Drustvar being where the drust resided, would have the larger population of drust “genes”. They’d come from all over Kul Tiras, there’s a reason they’re centered there.
They’re also clearly visually derived from the Vrykul.
It’s also easy to draw an analogy to the horde side. Ogres gave rise to the Orcs, which then bred back with Ogres creating a taller half breed referred to as a Mok’nathal.
(Dragonflayer) Vrykul gave rise to the humans some of which bred back with the (Drust) Vrykul giving rise to a taller half breed that makes up part of the population of Kul Tiras.
Should Mok’nathal become playable they’ll likely even use the same animation rig as shown with Rexxar.
I wouldn’t also be surprised if this is the case should Vrykul and Ogres become playable as the same animation rig would work great. Ogres could just have the current one expanded.
This among the things mentioned above make it all highly likely. Ulfar does say his people joined Society and that the descendants of his people are the ones that returned to be taught druidism.
People keep mistakenly taking the statement to refer to the regular humans only when it’s referring to those born from the Drust and the humans.
It could have certainly been worded better.
If there is no drust lineage then there’s a lot of unexplained issues.
If there is a drust lineage, then everything makes sense.
Evidence points toward there being a lineage.
I still want me a Vrykul warrior to play.
Awesome beard and all the cool nordic culture. Yes please.
Lunnaya, dear, your fat Kul Tirans thread was exceptionally popular and stayed on the main page for quite a while. It’s hard not to remember it when you’ve been around for it. I don’t need to stalk your post history to know what you’ve said before because, like that thread, they usually get tons of replies and stay on the front page.
Sorry but they’re really fat and their fat stupid stomachs make all the gear look bad on them.
Ah its ok; peoples do that to me all the time. Mostly over claims to my actual time in game and when I get in a flying.no flying squabble.
Just do the same to them; if they’ve blocked it, you got the goods on them!
Because they are fat?
Because we are fat?
This is just rumors made by the player base. I used to say the same thing but there is no real backing that fat Humans = Drust Blood. If anything that makes no sense as the Drust where vrykul and where not built like ogers.
From Ghosts and images of the past, we have seen They use Vrykul or large Human models, none of them fat.
There is no real reason for them to be fat it’s just a body type Blizzard decided to go with.
It’s a problem with the neck too for males. I can’t even use the chest armor from this set because it stretches up my neck and looks really bad.