Why do people think Kul tirans are fat?

In all honesty, have you ever seen metabolic syndrome or central abdominal obesity? Kul Tirans seem to fit the description based off of physical examination. Males have very bad posture (forward head posture). I don’t believe they’re Drust descendants.

Edit: females do have a somewhat pear shape frame, but I think height/weight (BMI) calculations would reveal obesity.

I think this stems from them getting druid class.

I see it as they got this from nature worship as it were. Unlike my NE druid whose more into trees and animals common to our areas…they went sea nature worship as I see it.

I will grant its maybe confusing the druid forms are drust looking though imo. I think they went for a unique look to their region I guess.

They are actually all descendants of André René Roussimoff

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they are fat and before you say anymore no you can’t be healthy at any weight.

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You made a thread like two weeks ago complaining that they were fat. Do you not remember your own BS that you post?

They’re not fat they’re husky! It says so on their jeans!