Why do people say this story is any good? (Spoilers)

I didn’t miss it, wasn’t interesting at all. Thrall is lame and nobody knows who the leader of the stormriders is because they’re lame too.


I have enjoyed the story overall thus far. There has still been several times that I rolled my eyes, but in spite of that it’s been pretty good. Better than DF and SL story and side quests by miles though.

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The writing team is based out of southern California.
That should tell you EVERYTHING you need to know.


It doesn’t. Enlighten us…


Again, sadly accurate.

A huge reason is because a certain group of people attach their ideals to a story or character but when people point out the flaws of the writing or a character they take it as a personal attack on their very being.

So you have a group that will attack anything critical even if its warrented because they feel like youre rejecting them as a person and not just bad writing


When has the story ever been good?

In the beginning, it was basic. Some was even just rebranded versions of older stories, like Thrall’s borrowed story from Gladiator and others.

Then, they upended everything in Legion, with things like “Illidan did nothing wrong”; see, he hAd to kill everyone, because reasons.

I just like playing it. I’ve been skipping cut-scenes for well over a decade now.

Another “I didn’t pay attention to the story and it’s bad because woke” thread.

I honestly feel bad for you that you artificially have made yourself unable to enjoy the story this expansion because it’s the best written it’s ever been. You’re really missing out because you’re obsessed about a character’s race and meaningless BS. I hope you stop caring about all of that and are able to enjoy video games again in the future, it’s just sad.


No you see that’s their job.
As a bottom dweller of let’s just say questionable make up I need to be reminded at every turn why I am the problem.
You see it is I who must be enlightened.

It was a boring cliche story filled with contrivances, identity politics, and bad writing.

The game play is still fun though.


What specifically about the story this expansion makes you feel like you are “the problem”? Are you a void being or something IRL? Are you a spider?


It’s definitely hard to have difference of opinion these days.

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Eh the SL story leading up to denathrius was much better in season 1, and the dungeons and content were better. Almost everyone liked season 1 of SL when it released, until it went on for 8 months or whatever followed by the wet farts of the subsequent seasons. SL fell off a cliff later in the expansion.

Thats for being a good sport. I honestly didnt mean to reply specifically to your post.

Blizzard forums are weird

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I am curious to see where TWW goes. I am wondering how/where/if Metzen’s return will have some noticeable effect on the story.

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Im glad you enjoyed it. But there is nothing ground breaking in the story telling. Its the same boring story beats as what came the last 6 years.

In fact i would say peer to peer dialogue has never been Blizzards strong suit but thats like the entirity of this expansion. The few good moments were the big set piece cinematics they did. Thats what they generally been always better at.

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The “Stay awhile and listen” moments have been the best story moments of the expansion so far.

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You read a lot of teen fan fictions?

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Then i feel bad for you. You should read alot more.

Blizzard is probably one of the worst with dialogue.

Open your horizons and who knows what kinds of great stories you will uncover

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I do, I read all the time. But I like this game and the universe and it’s nice to see the best writing they’ve done for the Warcraft universe games so far.