Why do people say this story is any good? (Spoilers)

If you don’t even know who owns blizzard, why should I trust your opinion?

It’s not, but WoW is addictive and that’s a matter that’s often omitted in opinions. I remember during BFA when my mother wanted to see the last part of the story when they finally released the last wing for LFR (N’zoth). She was stuck there 5 hours before a PUG finally beats it. And she was too embarrassed to call for help. She was 58 at the time.

Reality is a lot of players aged up with the game and they’re still paying costumers. Making easy modes once the template is made is nothing that affects the more midcore / hardcore player base.

The only thing I hate about the casual inclusion; is that the Midcore content is time gated so they don’t feel left behind.

Let me put it this way: Anduin is almost an afterthought to the zone as a whole and I think his personal storyline there is mostly to remind people the positive parts of the Light before we start going into shades of grey with it again. There basically hasn’t been anything really positive that wasn’t hypersuperficial about the Light other than a handful of Vanilla and Wrath quests, so we were overdue.

The zone as a whole is entirely about engaging with the Arathi, just from a bottom-up perspective rather than a lore dump from a (Boss) marked character like we’re used to getting. This position is taken with all four of the zone stories, where a lot of things we’re used to having said the moment we arrive somewhere are left for you to find on your own.

No, you’re right, we can’t blame anyone but Blizzard. I don’t follow their every move, probably why I’m able to be more objective.

If people can’t be honest about feedback and pretend everything is always perfect, why should we trust yours? The writing is really bad compared to any kind of real story.


Because Metzen’s back and it’s significantly better than everything they’ve done for ages, both from how the story is told to the story itself. It is even one thing to have a cynical perspective, but to cynically analyze your points with poorly founded information or details that are still to be fleshed out as we head in to the raid is where you come off as someone trying to bait.
I’m not overly impressed with the core story thread right now, but the way the story is being told and the fact that we’re still in development phase makes me feel great about the direction.

Yes they do, you missed it, Thrall taught the new leader of the Stormriders as an example.

For the past few expansions now, I have liked the established WoW characters less and less. Their personality traits are flat. Their stories often seen contrived at best, or they are side-lined in favor of the most popular established characters.

I loved the new characters in BfA. Flynn Fairwind, Princess Talanji, the Prophet Zul, Lady Ashvane. I loved the characters in Revendreth. Prince Renathal, the Accuser, Sire Denathrius. I loved the sense that something was deeply amiss in Bastion. I love the new the characters in this expansion, especially Brinthe and our Nerubian allies. The weakest links have been the established characters, and maybe the story just needs to move on from them. I feel like we’re trying to keep a corpse alive every time Anduin, Khadgar, Thrall or any Windrunner comes on screen. Ditto the Dragonflights.

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Speaking of spoilers there is a video up on game rant showing Khadgar lives. Seeing how i still can not post links in here, it goes something like this

https:// gamerant dot com / world-of-warcraft-war-within-khadgar-survive-how/

The AU female garrosh is there. At least in the post leveling scene. Gazlowe is in Ahj-kahet, as well as numerous horde NPC’s for story.

Meerah is there. Alpacas and whatnot.

Lots of diversity in terms of quest givers, thrall, aethas sunreaver.

I’ve barely played Horde. Has Gazlowe always been that friendly and generous with his time? He seems so genuinely eager to be fair and help people, lol.

Story is good to me, last time i was this invested was the bfa war campaign

Elaboration isnt required, you already posted a long winded complain post already outlining your lack of understanding

Telling you why your wrong (when all your counter points are already on the forums) isnt our job

I do not believe that is Khadgar. The Staff of Ateish was destroyed. He can’t change into that bird anymore.

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“Horde has a non-presence” is pretty reasonable a complaint. Thrall shows up at the very end. The creatures and aesthetics heavily lean on Alliance zones. Earthen are dwarf-related. All the viewpoint characters are Alliance. The only semi-major horde NPC involved throughout the leveling campaign is a pretty small role by Gazlowe.

I don’t mind because they managed to ruin the Horde so much that I simply have no attachment to that faction anymore despite it being where I started, but if you still like the Horde…

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As die hard Horde, I am totally ok with this expansion, and I like the storyline so far.

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Yes. He has had some spotlight in small stories outside of the game, and in novels.

Helping rebuild Orgrimmar for Thrall as more of a favor by cutting a large deal, as well as opting for better Goblin treatment. Happier workers = better profits and a more successful business model.

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Then your post doesnt mean anything its just “Youre wrong because I said so”.

You are better off reading quest texts, npc dialogue, and looking at lore stuff from all the books and stuff scattered around if you want to understand the story.


Actually insane that someone simply can’t comprehend the basic beats of a mediocre and very very simple story like this.
What makes it even more insane is that they think they’re smart or even people.

Sadly accurate.

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