Why do people say this story is any good? (Spoilers)

Brother, do you not know how a developing story in games works? Yes, you have to ‘consoom product’. But why would they literally put the entire story in the game at once for an mmo designed to release story elements over time?

Maybe WoW isn’t for you. Go play a single player game.


Good or bad is subjective. It’s why I said and still think players are allowed to like it or not.

Mists of Pandaria and Dragonflight were side epilogue that felt like a “break from main journey” in a lot of fashion.

I’m not particularly found of the excessive inclusions of fairy and cutesy stuff like we had in Ardenweald in Shadowlands or Dragonflight that made for most of it’s major points.

But Mists of Pandaria was fine because I actually am a big sucker for Wushia types of fantasy and things like burning incenses and trying to reach inner peace to eventually fight meanie Garrosh felt good to me. While I know it’s not everyone’s favorite.

So yeah, I say the discussion is healthy as long one can acknowledge, both opinions can co-exist.

As for the Priory, well I think it’s just an indication to show that the light can be also extreme, and not only the void is capable of that.

There’s often references to the Scarlet Crusade, casually about how Yrel conquered Dreanor and made it a world of light, thus giving Mag’har to the Horde. Xe’ra was another indication of it in Legion with the Army of the Light.

It’s probably not making too much sense right now but the ultimate war is Light versus the Void (Shadow). And I feel, especially with this being a trilogy. The build up will be, very, very slow.

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I do, I play WoW which can be played solo.

Alleria failed to notice Xal’atath’s presence in the events leading up to the destruction of Dalaran despite being right there, and her failure seemed then to have cost Khadgar’s life. She even watched him effectively sacrifice himself to save her, lending further credence to her hatred of the being which brought that about.

You have to ignore or be ignorant of the story to believe it’s forced.

Besides both hearing the Radiant Song, each is a member in high standing with their respective factions. The likes of Meryl, Ritssyn or Aethas aren’t going to rally the Alliance or the Horde to their cause in such numbers as Jaina and Thrall can, and if power be your problem Jaina can probably condense the aforementioned three into a dense sphere of meat on her own.

Though they could remedy the absence of such characters pretty easily by placing them here or there, a bit of written dialog and apropos implications.

You can only say this if you ignore all of the shadecaster messages, the push into Hallowfall for which she’s pressed, the fate of Queen Neferess, the whole Ascended / Trueborn schism that arose from her partnership with Xal’atath, and probably more that I just can’t at present recall.

There are options. It could be something to do with the Harronir and whatever problems they’re facing related to the roots and black blood, it could be something related to the Kobyss and their former esoteric molluscoid masters, it could be something to do with the Arathi’s prophesied Renilash, it could be something deeper down the Coreway uncovered as the Earthen set about restoring it, it could be many things.

There are a bunch of books all over the place that you can pick up and read that go into detail about many things involving the Arathi, as well as a Loremaster in the chapel at Mereldar that will quiz you on subjects to it relating with a nice toy reward at the end.

I didn’t like “zoomies” either, but “Beans” is just the speculated true name of a lynx from Arathi lore, or a fable, I can’t recall exactly off the cuff.

You jumped right over the parts where the Prioress met with the still-living Braunpyke brother, the body of the fallen Braunpyke brought there for his final rites went missing, and the faithful you question on the matter meet you with violent hostility. Not to say that there couldn’t be more, but there’s not nothing.

That aside, though, I’ll always find the idea of “Light Undead” and “holy necromancy” dumb.

What I see is you’re looking for an argument. You’re not interested in finding out any answers to what you may have missed.

If you were interested in finding answers, you would have approached this differently instead of doubling down.

Have a g’day.

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I can’t stay in this zone for long periods of time, as I can’t use an Inky Blackness potion and the brightness leads to migraines, but the side quests that I have done don’t seem like much.

The main problem with Hallowfall isn’t just the brightness—it’s the fact that the zone’s narrative feels like it was designed for players who enjoy Anduin’s character. For those of us who have long seen him as a weak, overexposed figure, it becomes grating. Instead of using the main questline to explore the incredibly interesting aspects of Hallowfall—like the ancient civilization, the rise of Void cults, the origins of the crystal, or the endless potential of an underground world—we’re stuck with Anduin. Again. Crying about the Light.

There were thousands of possible narrative directions that could’ve been taken. They could have deepened the mystery of the crystal’s corruption, or explored the deeper implications of the Void’s influence in a way that tied back to the grander lore of the cosmos. But no, the majority of the zone is bogged down by Anduin’s personal crisis. It feels like a missed opportunity, especially when you compare it to other zones where you get more expansive storytelling and less repetitive character focus. Frankly, I’ve grown tired of the character—and I know I’m not alone in that sentiment.

Outside of achievements or completionism, there’s little reason for me to go back to a zone that chooses to focus so much on a character I’ve grown to hate rather than on the genuinely cool lore elements that the setting could have explored. And sure, I’ll give credit where it’s due: apparently, some of the side quests do manage to flesh out aspects of the zone’s history and lore. Because of that, I will begrudgingly return to see if there’s anything worthwhile hidden in those secondary questlines. But at the end of the day, it feels like a failure on the part of the writers and designers to prioritize a character so polarizing at the expense of more engaging world-building of such a unique zone.

That’s such a bad opinion to have. It should not matter to you if someone plays for Roleplay or Stories or just leveling character. Happy subscribers is good for all of us and keeping our game alive.

Because people have different tastes and like different things.

And because no one expects Schindler’s List level performances here.

And people have, just not those posters. :slight_smile:

Again, you’re misunderstanding. WoW isn’t going to give you a solo player experience if you’re looking for a story that’s already front loaded into the product. you’re going to have to wait to get the story.

I’m inclined to believe you’re just trying to troll.

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They actually are. There’s a story mode raid releasing this expansion.

The story becomes good when you don’t try to nitpick it and just enjoy it for what it is imo. It isn’t trying to be this super complex story.


They defend literally everything on this forum. It’s pretty ridiculous. It’s no wonder Blizzard charges more and delivers less over time. They’ll pretend it’s awesome regardless. They know what they’re doing which is why they never have anything resembling a point. The writing is below average teenage fan fiction level.


As much as WoW wants to try and be solo player, it’s not the same style as a true solo player game.

The rate at which you get full story content usually isn’t limited to patches released overtime in true single player games.

You don’t get baldurs gate 3 story overtime, you get it when you download the entire game, so the rate at which you develop the story is entirely based on your own speed at which you play the game, not the developers releasing story content through a patch schedule.

You lost me when you wondered why Alleria would care if Dalaran was destroyed. Weird mindset there if you ask me. And yes, this story is very good (so far).


Eh. Bro had a contrarian take but it seems to be sincerely held and they caught a lot of crap for it to start. (Which I can’t blame people for either, a lot of contrarian takes around here are meant to stir the pot and people get tired of it.)

It’s a big topic but if you scroll through the whole thing, I don’t think they’re trolling, they’re just frustrated.

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See this is why people are saying you don’t understand what’s going on

Alleria absorbed a dark naaru and became a void elf, who recieves whispers from the Void all the time. This has been her story since Legion

Now she comes across a powerful void entity, back in the Harbinger questline in the end of Dragonflight named Xal’atath who is a source of some of those whispers, who has been messing with her for quite some time now.

The idea that they’d be rivals isn’t that far fetched.

Not gonna go through the rest of it when you open up with this

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Activision hasn’t owned Blizzard for quite some time dude.

Nothing has peaked my attention whatsoever in this expansion, horde doesn’t even have characters in this story. I like making gold and getting loot, so if that remains enjoyable I’ll be there for a while. Wow was a lot more fun when we cared about the plot too though.

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Oops, Blizzard. They’re the ones charging more for less over time. Can’t blame Activision, you’re right.