Why Do People Say Nightborne Are Ugly?

I have two of them and I find them both quite pretty!

Best pants in the game! :smiley:


The negativity stems from the fact they look too much like nelves and not enough like the npcs.

plus no mana hair. that suuuucks


Those are nice.
They’d look even better if they matched the actual original Nightborne models though.


Because, I mean, just look at me.


They stand like someone just gave them an atomic wedgie. If they had a more natural idle standing stance, it would make a world of difference.


That’s your opinion. Females look good for what they are

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Because all the males look totally grouchy and stuck up. :wink:


I think they look like “Aristo-elves:” high society and a bit stuck-up, and their posture seems exaggerated to highlight this. They’re not slouching or even sassy-stanced (ha) like them Sass’dorei, err, Sin’dorei.

And I think they look cool!


they aren’t ugly, just dreadfully limited in appearance options which is a disservice. I love nightborne. I’m biased.

they do that to differentiate them from night elves but I think it’s unnecessary. In the model viewer they stand with the same posture as a night elf and it does look better. They also need a flippy jump.

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They’re pretty with the right transmog. Love my herritage armor, but a lot of gear looks awful on them and they can’t pull off bikini mogs or anything revealing because their base model is lack luster compared to night borne npcs in suramar.


That’s probably cause, you know, they’re Night Elves essentially.


Void elves stole their thunder as a spacey rebel elf race infused by magic outlawed by their core race which gave them dark purplish skin and glowy bits and the ability to teleport things who then joined up with the opposite faction and became playable via a legion rep grind, except they get the prettyful faces >:c

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Because male nightborne are as despicable as male night elves… Blizzard are not really a fan of male night elves…

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IDN if you are serious but NB has to be one of most sexy race in Game, just my opinion.


They look…plastic. Also they appear to be suffering from sever constipation.

they look terrible and have bad racials. better off playing a night elf.

Yep. I made a male Nightborne, hoping to get a Sigryn type look. I ended up with his slack-jawed-yokel cousin instead.

They are elves dipped in grape juice, there’s nothing ugly on the outside just the inside!

“Oh some elf I havent seen in 10,000 years hurt my fee fees so… thanks for saving my people from LITERAL EXTINCTION but you are my enemy now”

SJW elves are the worst kind of elf since they betray you just because they got #triggered


I think they look good. Both sexes.

Just curious. What exactly do you mean by mana hair? Any pictures if possible?