Why do people play warriors?

Warrior smash.
This is the way.

Because it’s one of two jobs for this race that allows the wearing of a steel bikini. And I don’t care for the gameplay of Death Knights very much.

I never claimed to be deep.


I play fury and I like it because of the fast and fun rotations. The tool set is great, with enough variety to be interesting, but not overwhelmly so and survivablity is really good. Also charge.

Cause they are OP af.

Warriors are like the guardsman from 40k. While there are things far surpassing us, we are the ones who ultimately hold the line and if we fall or fail, everything is lost. “Cadia broke before the guard did”

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  1. They are fun
  2. The fantasy is dope
  3. They are never in a bad spot
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Someone has to do all the hard work


listen man i ungabunga and bonk stuff really hard, sometimes yelling while doing it
what’s not to love


I like Fury’s mechanics. Especially whirlwind

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Warriors are the most fun to play.

I ask myself the same, but about races instead of classes when I see people playing as humans. Like, really? Such a fantastic world Blizzard created and you want to be a human of all things? I can understand elves, even if I personally hate elves in the WC universe, but at least they are somewhat more creative (even if only slightly) compared to humans lol


I’m guessing Illidan doesn’t count as a mortal, especially now with all that demon power. Who was the Orc?

As for OP, I really like the Warrior class. They might not be as flashy as other classes, but they’re a lot of fun. I do miss stance dance though. In Cata, my warrior was a Gnome in Arms. It was a beautiful sight watching him farm raids against massive dragons and such lol

What is 40k some Japanese cartoon thing?

A wizard in a dress doesn’t give me the fantasy of being an Orcish juggernaut cutting down the enemies of the Horde.

Sometimes I like a beef Crown Roast, with a side of delicate mashed potatoes and a rich gravy, some Brussels sprouts, early June peas, home made dinner rolls with Danish butter and a nice red Chianti to wash it all down.

Sometimes I just want a piece of beef jerky and a beer.

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This is the best warrior class description ever


Haha big stick can go


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Because I would rather heroic leap, charge, send people fleeing with my battle cry , and bladestorm rather than spam frostbolt and then have to freeze myself because someone sneezed on me and I almost died

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I’ve always enjoyed the class fantasy of the warrior/fighter. The master of all weapons (minus wands) and armor who doesn’t have to rely on any kind of magic or stealth. That class fantasy went unfulfilled starting in Legion when warglaives were added and when fury had to suddenly care whether the weapons they used were a specific weapon type (2h). Warrior should be a master of ALL melee weapons.

I love being able to rush in (charge/heroic leap in this case) with weapons swinging and take things down with nothing but raw power (no magic or anything fancy, just brute strength).

One of my favorite descriptions of the warrior: