The answer is rage.
Warriors they are addicted to the stuff.
The answer is rage.
Warriors they are addicted to the stuff.
I play a male worgen warrior with two massive flaming hammers. It’s a pretty awesome looking character, IMO, and feels beastly
This is my worgen warrior for reference
Being able to charge from midair is one of my favorite things in this game, so that poll is probably still accurate.
I like to think of my Warrior as a trophy skulltaker who travels around a lot and takes down worthy targets. That and the whole berserker theme is kind of fun. Nothing like burying an axe in something as everything turns red around you!
Warriors have some of the best tier sets for transmog.
Arms would like a word with anyone that thinks this way, unless you are a Fire Mage that is.
You ever just smack the hell out of something with a giant stick? It’s cathartic.
And if you play Fury you get two sticks!
There’s a fantasy to the warrior tho , a dude with a giant sword slicing demons is cool , just look at guts from berserk
Hitting stuff in the face with my bare shoulders to interrupt casts, that’s why. Charge, heroic leap, I mean, what is not to love about this class?
Well I don’t know about you, but I can’t strap plates of metal to my body and rush around attacking things with swords…
Warriors are just as much part of fantasy as any other class.
It can be visually thrilling with special effects from glyphs. Charging and screaming my head off is really fun. Unless it’s one of the annoying female voices ugh.
I like playing a warrior because I don’t have to wear a dress. I get to swing an axe instead of throwing glitter bombs. I leap into battle instead of blinking away. It takes a split second to cleave you in half instead of Conjuring a spell that takes time. I like to be on the front line instead of in the back.
If you like to lead, Warriors lead the way.
One orc with an axe is, to date, the only mortal to actually hit Sargeras.
So, yeah, warriors are pretty dope.
The WoW warrior is an amalgam of DnD Fighter and Barbarian. That’s a tasty combo.
It’s boring now, back in the day it was more interesting.
Stance dancing, weapon swapping, fun abilities.
Out of plate classes it’s the only class with mobility and decent mechanics.
Arms is the best melee spec in game currently with corruption haste stacking.
Also Chunky 2Handers are BiS.
I have been playing this exact same warrior since April 2006.
Get on my level, nerd
The only proof is the achievement thing that displays my original vanilla PvP title and my 2007 Clockwork Rocket Bot I got from under the tree in IF during Christmas.
I was 12 years old. I am now pushing 30. This warrior is more than half my age, and older than a good portion of the people who likely play this game now.
And that good sir is why I’ve never ever rolled one. Everything else I think I’ve done at least once, not every spec of said classes though.
Because I CAN!! Because I can swing a big freaking Axe that hits like the Hulk on a Bad Day! And I so love hitting things!!