like what was said above, i like to unga bunga
Warriors scream bada$$ masculinity. I’m a guy that likes to feel like a bada$$. I made the obvious choice
Since the dawn of WoW women have been lining up for us to sire their children.
The original Warrior levelling process was one not many men could complete.
Standing in Orgrimmar or Stormwind in your full Battlegear of Might many priests were required to revive the women fainting at the sight of your shoulders.
Because OUR BOI plays one.
Its spelled D R U I D, lol
the idea of playing a heroic knight, or a barbarian is always awesome. who does’nt wanna big the big beefy guy, with his axe lodged in his enemy’s skull at the end of a battle? warrior is just a mixture of the two (though pally is more… knight-ish than warrior).
Because warrior is the batman of Warcraft. He doesn’t have any super powers, he wasn’t raised from the dead by a lich, he didn’t unlock arcane mysteries. He’s just a man with a slab of steel and the skill to wield it. It makes it all the more cool to be one. You’re Chuck Norris in a world full of Gandalfs.
I like warrior because it’s high apm and I love bashing things In the face.
ok guys, you’re really reaching with most of these replies. Sit back, relax, line up your bowl cut, look through your desktop wallpapers and pick the other gray one, the slightly more gray wallpaper than your current gray wallpaper, and come up with some actual good reasons as to why you play the water flavored water drink of wow classes and not continue to give boring reasons as to why not ever pick the dullest class of all time rpgs.
Some people like it simple.
Batman is far more of a rogue than a warrior
it use to be but bfa execute is garbage XD
Well conceptually and mechanically sure, I just meant in the sense that warriors are the completely non-magical guy in a world of magic. Even rogues have a bit of shadow magic.
Why do people play war? Why does anyone do anything in life? Because they want to.
I was born to play this part.
warriors are sweet , that’s why.
Because people like to play the powerful military Fighter (arms), Be the barbarian of pure rage (Fury), or even be the stewart knight that protects others (prot).
Blizz did a survey over 10 years ago and i believe it was charge that was consistently voted the best ability in game.