Why do people like playing with friends?

I get what OP means. I had a few coworkers who played WoW so I tried doing some M+ with them. It was… bad. I had to spend more time trying to come up with a non offensive way of letting them know I didn’t want to do anything with them than I did actually doing M+ for a while after that

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is this a trick question? Running dungeons and raids with friends makes for a much better experience then running with pugs.

I kill them, or they kill me. Then we laugh about it. If we wish to team up we team up.

If that ever happened, then that friendship wasn’t very strong to begin with. If one friend can’t handle the opinion/advice of the other friend then that first friend might want to do some soul searching.

I have played with my husband from time to time and the skill level difference is enormous. He has maintained accounts since launch but hasn’t played in years. Should he come back to it I will help him and be there for whatever he wants, but he mostly wants to be left alone and do his own thing. Any higher end content would be with my in-game friends knowing he was a carry and agreeing to it. All that works out fine.

But trying to play with friends where the skill and expectations are closer but not quite close enough, yeah that’s a drama waiting to happen.

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Friendship is magic.

When you say friend Shreds, do you mean online only, or someone you went to a party or sporting event type of friend? They’re totally different.

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If your “friend” is upset over the build you use and such to the point that it ends things between you then they were not friends with you in the first place.

Real friends are there for the fun times between you no matter the content or game, not petty differences between builds.

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Knowing the OP I might suspect as to why he questions why people like to play with friends.


What I did was make an alliance character, now I have characters on both Alliance and Horde to run with friends and family.

I f you are talking about running around doing stuff together, it can be a little tricky at times, if you are running dungeons together that can go smoothly, but turning in quests, or working on personal character stuff like professions should be done in off time when you aren’t together.

If I know them well, it’s not. We already know each others quirks so it makes us more tolerant of each other. If I just make a new friend in game, we are usually on best behaviour. It’s the people you meet in game and know for awhile, but not in real life that you have to watch out for! :joy:

Not going to happen, I am super casual, and anyone that wants to run with me doesn’t have expectations of how I run my characters. I am open to advice, and if my friend asks for an opinion I am there to give it. I think it has to do with how you approach the subject. Good advise can be helpful.

I enjoy doing both solo and with friends. If I would have to constantly run with someone, I think that would stress me out. But, friends in occasional doses can be a lot of fun. Who else is going to laugh hysterically with you, when you die to the elevator boss?

Yes you have to watch out for me. I am wonderfully mad.


Do you not have friends? I play with my brother all the time.

  1. we’re both in the same faction,
  2. we level together,
  3. drama can come from literally any human interaction? that doesn’t stop us from being together outside of WoW why would it inside WoW?
  4. again, do you not have friends? I argue with my buddies all the time and we do criticize each other. Still friends

I don’t like friends. I am popular in situations where I am forced to be around others, but I don’t enjoy the company of other humans much.

I find it exhausting to spend every day explaining to my friends why they are wrong. I’d rather just let them be wrong by themselves.

Has never happened. So doesn’t apply.

Never had this problem while leveling together. But I also don’t try for world’s first or anything.

Also, never happened.

Also never happened. I don’t know who you are friends with, but they don’t seem great.

It’d be terrible if all these hypotheticals were true.

Because were social creatures. Friends give us more reasons to do things. What potential drama? That’s TV levels of BS that almost never happens…you watch TV/movies too much.

And a true friend doesn’t “criticize” you for build or performance. They might give you helpful advice, that’s good.

And if your friend wants to play alliance, let them. You can’t force people to be alliance or horde.

I’m not sure a massive multiplayer online game is for you then? This is a strange mindset. Like I totally see why you’d want to play a single player RPG and just not deal with other players, however… this is wow. Skyrim may be a game that’s right down you’re ally!

If this is how you interact with friends you may want to reconsider you’re friendships with them. Most friends don’t sped every day arguing and being told their wrong. This sucks from both sides


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What friends? My real life friends stop playing this game around 11 years ago lol.

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Hopefully never if the two people are actually friends :smiley:

I’ve enjoyed Skyrim for a decade now, but I’m starting to get burned out on it.

WoW, on the other hand, I have soloed and enjoyed for 17 years and it doesn’t feel stale or old in the slightest. Even when I hate the design decisions, I get whole new areas to solo through every couple of years, and I’m able to assemble collections that will never be rendered unimportant by me “beating” the game. Single player RPGs are loads of fun in the short-term. I adore JRPGs and Bethesda titles. But they don’t last forever. MMORPGs can, and WoW is the most likely of all MMORPGs to last for many, many decades to come.

You might find it confusing, but the simple truth is that soloers are an entire MMO-playing demographic of people. I don’t doubt that we’re a minority, but we’re nowhere near as small a minority as you might expect. Blizzard designed WoW for people like me who were playing others MMOs and who prefer to solo. Prior to and after its release, WoW marketed itself as a solo-friendly MMORPG for casuals that one could solo all the way to level cap.

That’s why I left Final Fantasy XI and came here, and even in 2004, Blizzard’s promise proved true. Every single class can solo to level cap in WoW and always has been able to. There’s a reason for that. This game encourages grouping, but not nearly as much as its predecessors do. The basic design of WoW caters to my preferred playstyle. That is - an emphasis on solo play. Most of the game’s design can be found in the overworld, which is generally solo content.

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Your “friends” are victims and I feel sorry they have to deal with you. Your not right - you think differently then others but trying to push your views on them telling them they are wrong because of blah blah blah based off nothing but your dislike for company. Your best bet is to remove all your friends and never friend anyone. You’ll save them an annoying headache dealing with your anti-social views you seem to so much love to spread.

Your a narcissist egotistical human being and you need to stop making friends if you hate it so much. You sound like a pain to deal with and I would have removed you right away after you even tried to talk to me about anything like that.

Yes! That’s what I like to hear.