Why do people like Negan from The Walking Dead?

I think if you like Negan then there is something morally wrong with you.

Negans group as a whole are bullies who kill for the hell of it or to extort what they want from you.

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Um, it’s a TV show…

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Negan is really why I bailed out of the show to begin with. After he brutally murdered Glenn and Abraham I just couldn’t watch anymore.

I can’t see how anyone could like him after that, and especially knowing Maggie could not only even be in the same room with him without murdering him, but also work with him later, is sickening.


For starters its a fictional char in a fictional world. As for whats to like? Simple its a look into what humanity actually is, put people in a survival sandbox game and they kill each other for resources. Good examples of this rist, h1z1, arc, Conan list goes on and on. Plus its Geoffrey dean morgan the man is an amazing actor.

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When did fiction stop people from becoming invested in what they’re reading, watching or playing and start caring for the characters within.

You can be invested in a story with it having nothing to do with your morals

I disagree since you have people rooting for a pychopath and justifying their actions.

Never said I was rooting for or justifying anything. You can like a thing without either of those. I like custard doesn’t mean I’m rooting for custard or justifying it.

I didn’t write that you were either, I wrote that some people root for Negan and justify his actions.

I also don’t think liking custard and liking a sadistic person is the same. Custard never hurt no one.

Custard has hurt allot of people, talk to anyone who is lactose intolerant or has IBS. So becuase some people do then everyone who does has no morals? Thats the logic you trying to use?

I guess some people cannot separate fiction from reality. I saw Natural Born Killers a couple of times, it was an interesting film, does that make me sociopath serial killer?

People who watch heinous acts on tv and then defend it or agree with it have some screws loose.

Well, I can see you can’t seem to separate reality from fantasy.

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You’re mising my point.

You just called me a socialpath for watching a movie… your point is moot.

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You definitely missed it, sorry can’t help you.

Cause you don’t have one or at least a rational one.

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You think I’m calling you a sociopath which I never did, you are taking everything personally like I’m attacking you but if that is the case then maybe you fit the category I’m talking about.

Perhaps you find joy in seeing others suffer but if not then you understand my point without even knowing it.

I never thought or said that. You keep making these claims out of thin air?

Your reading comprehension is terrible.