Why do people keep asking for changes?

For sure dude. Because that’s why we have been asking for vanilla for the last 10 years or so. Because it is broken and needs improvements 100%.


Thank you for cherry picking a statement and running with it.

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then dont play it or try and ruin it for the rest of us.


My point is that you saying “it won’t affect anything” isn’t necessarily accurate, and that sometimes little things can affect larger pieces on a grand scale.

Like I said - I was wanting GBanks myself, and had actually thought about the mail changes and wanted the instant mail to my alts until Ion talked about it at Blizzcon.

It’s not really the “slippery slope” thought process, as much as the butterfly effect.


There are more than two sides in this debate, it’s not as cut and dry as ‘zero’ or ‘any’.

I’m not advocating that changes be made, all I’m trying to say is if you don’t understand why people want changes to Vanilla, which by all modern metrics is bad, then take a deeper look. The community back then wanted changes to it, that’s why we got all these changes, and the community is still going to want changes to it.


personally I think a lot of them are trolling knowing the responses they will get


old av is objectively vanilla. the goal is to recreate vanilla. not recreate 1.12


vanilla had its faults, but who gets to decide which faults need fixing?
or how those faults get fixed?


Ah, but see I didn’t say that. Here’s what I actually said:

I do believe it would have an impact, but not a negative one. That’s an opinion you and I are just going to have to disagree on, but I don’t find it fun or enjoyable to send 13 individual mails to send 13 items. I also don’t find it fun to spend 20 minutes flying/running somewhere to deliver someone an item.


banjaa - steve isn’t advocating for changes.
hes informing.

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This is true. While I do believe a few select changes would be good, I agree with keeping it as pure as possible.


Right - but the devs do, at least if they’re willing to revery the mail changes.

I will agree with being able to send MULTIPLE items at once vs having to send 4 or 5 emails separately, there’s literally no difference.

I would disagree on the traveling to get the item vs waiting an hour.

And it’s ok to disagree!


Yes, but he’s informing (I believe) incorrectly.

When such a thing as the amount of time it takes to receive something in the mail is determined to affect things, can you really say GBanks will not?


Not everyone enjoyed every aspect of Vanilla, I know I sure didn’t. I played this very toon, so I was a healer and healing gear had no +spell damage on it. I really hated how outside of raids I was an honor bag. Blizzard would have my undying praise if they were to implement the +dmg/+healing change they made in TBC in Classic, but that’s not something a warrior or a rogue for instance would care about or advocate for.

Everyone has different reasons because everyone had a different experience and enjoyed/hated different things.


Agreed - that’s why I drifted to the #nochanges side, because - while I think there COULD be some improvements - the question becomes where do you stop?

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Then go play bfa


Good thing Retail WoW has all those improvements that you wanted. Play away.


No there really isn’t.

You want vanilla… 1.12… with things you think will improve vanilla…
Vanilla + things you find acceptable.

Blizzard tried to balance classes in Vanilla… so class balancing is part of vanilla.

Technically anything before BC is vanilla…

Bottom line you want your franken patch with your changes to improve 1.12… so does every other change suggestor… your desires are no more pure or correct than theirs.

I can show you the logic, but cannot give the ability to understand the logic.

a change is a change is a change.

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I want full fledged AV just as much as the next guy but Ion did say they don’t want to mess with the 1.12 data.

There isn’t logic in that stance. It’s just something people use to try to convince us that things which aren’t part of Vanilla’s timeline are “part of Vanilla” so they can use that as a jumping off point for blatantly non-Vanilla things.

People would argue that class balance was part of Vanilla and then turn around and try to get hybrid non healing specs buffed up to do DPS competitive with Rogues, which was never a goal of Blizzard’s original balancing in Vanilla.

The point of frankenpatch from the start has been not to recreate a single point in Vanilla that existed but to use individual parts that are all from Vanilla. To try to claim that is equal to changes from post-Vanilla is again not logic but trying to twist the astance to claim “see? You’re just like me! You should accept the things I want!” despite the fact that that almost never actually works.