Why do people ignore FF14's issues?

Why should he answer you? This is a discussion, not an interrogation. Besides, he’s given very valid examples:


Are you saying that in FF 14 you do not skip content? Or are you refering to WoW? I think there is a communication issue here.

boosts in ff14 skips for you

So does the wow boost.

no it doesnt the content is still there

dude you can buy a level boost and only a level boost from FFXIV for $25 and do all the story without skipping any of it.

ff14 gets rid of content you never have to do in wow the content is still there dude

I’m sorry what? All the old content in FFXIV is far more relevant than WoW’s old content.


then why do ff14 boosts skip it all

Impatience, just like people who buy skips in WoW or any other MMO.

wow boosts dont get rid on content its still there

  1. You can buy a level boost only and not skip any of the story.

Tales of Adventure/One Hero’s Journey | FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Store

  1. You can buy a story skip and skip the story straight to the start of the current xpac.

Tales of Adventure/Main Scenario Progression | FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Store

  1. FFXIV has timing walking built into it’s queues by default. You can level to max level on 1 job, go pick up a second job and once it’s level 16, the minimum level for the 1st dungeon you can level it through dungeons to max. When max level doing a leveling roulette you get the games equivalent of justice and valor points. Any time you queue for a roulette your level is synced down to be the appropriate level for that specific content.

FFXIV doesn’t get rid of it’s old content, I don’t know where you got that from.


Sounds like a phone game, shallow but frequent content.

That would explain why so many of its players spend so much time posting here, nothing to do over there.


Eight months of the same thing is hard for some people, no need to take it out on people who decided to dip when they saw the writing on the wall.


just imagine thinking this is good. this literally shows how fake hype the game is if you dont main game it.


“I don’t like it, so clearly no one likes it and everyone is lying.”


? what? you are the one pointing out why ff14 is fake hype. you cant even list 10 legit good things about it

No, I get it. FF appeals to people who want frequent but shallow content updates. Just like a phone game.

I hope they all go to FF and never come back, I really do. Then they can stop complaining on the WoW forums starting a month after a content release that they’re already bored.


Is this the thread where I ask for MoP Destro back?

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If I boost a character in WoW my professions are maxed and its just gearing after that. I wouldn’t say its 1/3 of the price when it costs 25 per job. Sure thats not required but its just as dirty of a price point.

I like the game but don’t defend a store that sell literally everything they can besides gil and even that kinda is with a job boost.

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