Why do people idolize Legion so much?

It had a great mission table with a ton of gold!


I dunno. I had fun as a lock.


Legion was the End of the AWAITED story of THE burning legion.

A final showdown, we entered the expansion with a lot in our hearts. Which was fueled by the long hate from Warcraft 2 & 3. We finally made it.

And Now we fight for it all.
We were happy and sad at the same time. As it was the end of an era.

I await Legion classic so I may try to relive it again


This, also the payoff from being a longtime Warcraft fan.

This story thread was set up in the RTS games, along with the Scourge.

If you played only WoW, well yeah. I could see why you’re less excited about it lol.

It’s the same reason why WoTLK was so popular- because we were finally taking down Arthas, who taunted us since Warcraft 3.


It came after WoD.

thats it, it was like giving dirty water to someone lost in a desert


Uh no?
Your opinion and you’re entitled to it but Legion isn’t known for bad class design. Legion is known for impeccable Class Fantasy, however.


People are falsely idolizing that expansion when it had everything that BFA and shadowlands had systems and alt unfriendliness and spec changing unfriendliness.


Spec changing unfriendliness was only really at the start of the expansion.
Alt unfriendliness? I disagree. It was the best expansion to have alts, they have different experiences (unless you’re someone that levels the same class)

Legion also had significantly better world content. Albeit it a double-edged blade because of RNG Legs and Titanforging.

You’re allowed an opinion. But it isn’t false idolizing, there are very valid reasons to rank Legion as a good expansion.


Hard not to get better off that launch patch, lmao.

For me, the introduction of M+ and the raids were pretty good. Nighthold was really aces, honestly. All the systems were infuriatingly bad, though. Artifacts, legiondaries, not good.

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Again, Legion was most certainly hated on release. The fondness you see today is simply because people remember 7.3, not the rest of it.

In any case, I feel as though comparing Legion to BfA and SL is a bad argument to make. BfA and SL, despite having similar systems, were far worse in terms of system design, often being bloated with them to an excessive degree.

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you can feel that way if you want, but it aint no rose colored glasses to like something. i enjoyed every patch of legion. cant say the same for wod, bfa, shadowlands or even dragonflight


It was a good expansion marred by a few boneheaded decisions by blizzard, most of which were remedied in the final patch.


“Rose colored glasses” is such a frustrating phrase.
There’s a certain arrogance to it, assuming everyone sees things the same as you and if they don’t they’re wrong.

Yeah 7.3 made it better. But despite it’s flaw I still had a ton of fun experiencing the World and Class Halls at expansion launch. Far more than I did exploring Covenants, or Azerite Gear.


Im not a mission table loving sort, but that easy gold was nice on a few alts lol. Certainly did add up.

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Ahh a fellow Californian. You had better be anyway otherwise you have no excuse.

HOW they did the design was terrible, but the actual design was pretty good. By the end it was great. I wish we were still using the artifact relic system instead of actual weapon drops.

Name an expansion that didnt. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I think it was a bad idea to END the Burning Legion, rather than push them back. But the ending of that expansion was pretty epic.

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Actually this started way back in Cataclysm, but you had to pay attention to quest text. I hated that they made her just a crazy beach manipulated by another, instead of a cunning psycho with her own agency. The character that was about out maneuvering her enemies, was a pawn all along. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Class halls
DH class
M+ - though a con to me because it has shifted the games focus to esports
WQs - stale now but were brand new at the time

Artifact power - this was the beginning, it led to systems in BFA and SL that were absolutely despised
Illidan retcon
Intro to modern design of borrowed power with legendary weapons
Rigidity of changing specs
Legendary system - random drops that were in some specs near ‘mandatory’
Intro to gatekeeping storyline with Suramar/Nightfallen

Just off the top of my head. There were pros and cons. Just glancing through the thread most people, either willfully or not, ignore the cons, but as with any expansion the forums were very much ‘on fire’ during Legion too.

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Legion had a great villain (the Legion), fun allies and involving Class fantasy (especially for Rogues, though not so much for Hunters).

I enjoyed legion so idk who you speak for.


When people conveniently forget all of the hell we went through in the beginning to get AP, the fact that you couldn’t dual spec, the insane amount of timegating on everything
 yeah. I can call it rose colored glasses for some. Because the forums were full of outrage back then, moreso than Warlords (sans Selfie Patch and flying).

The beginning of the borrowed power system crap and insane timegating of Legion was worse to me than no end game content in Warlords. Because at least I could level alts, putz around with new Garrison buildings and zone buildings, etc.