I never experienced that. But then again, I didn’t play with jerks.
What resources would it take? Its a system they have already developed and used. I don’t recall any bugs the last time it was in, either. It should be a simple matter of importing it. Perhaps even just turning it on.
These steps were due to haste breakpoints along with hit and expertise caps that made those stats effectively useless at or above certain thresholds. None of those exist any longer. It would be a simple matter of reforging the stats you don’t like into the stats you do like.
My group had a simple rule- set up your new pieces after raid. We weren’t holding up the entire raid for someone to go and gem, enchant, reforge, and transmog a single piece.
I liked reforging in Cata.
What? If you needed an addon because the nlc was too confusing for you, you’ve got much bigger problems
It might not have been quite as difficult to decern what was best compared to reforging but deciding what tier 2 and subsequently what tier 3 relic slot was best wasn’t always readily apparent and/or if the options you were given would end up being better than what you already had equipped.
I could be mistaken about an addon having existed to help with that (or if it was just running sims) but yeah
why would you do that? there was a mount that had a reforger on it. and there was an addon that did it with a click.
I loved reforging in Cata because I had multiple stat caps/breakpoints to manage. But that isn’t an issue anymore.
The feedback in this thread seems to just be that some specs have dead stats, which is more of a class/spec design issue than an issue with item stats.
Yeah I was maining both a Rogue and Enhance shaman back then and getting expertise and hit in just the right spot needed reforging some pieces here and there.
I do think in the current environment that reforging shouldn’t be that much of a thing. The only places it could be a thing on some pieces of gear are “Very Rare” gear that have certain stats but they aren’t your main stats you want or if you are overcapped on a stat. Like example say I get some Very Rare Ring that has Crit+Vers on it but I am still needing some haste to hit a breakpoint of cast time or a little bit more mastery. Could reforge it to add a little more haste or mastery.
For stats you can reach ratings where they have diminishing returns and you lose some 10%+ of the overflow rating when you break that ceiling that then keeps increasing. In Season 1 you can get there by focusing everything into 1 stat being in Mythic level ish gear. In later seasons it is easier to reach those diminish points. I can see reforging in the current game being useful there if like the pieces you have had dropped take you far over the diminishing returns level and you wan to transfer some of those to another stat.
I don’t think any stats should be considered a dead stat, they all give some type of benefit it is just that some stats give more benefit so those people don’t like them and consider them a dead stat. “These people making an article about my spec says X stat and Y stat are my best stats. All other stats suck I don’t want them!” All stats will help your character. Just some help more than others. Gotta squeeze out that 2 more points on my parses! lol. The game has some weird community around it.
I know a lot of people in game are mathematically challenged though. So reforging does add another element of confusion I’m sure, but that is why people make websites and addons to tell people what to do as well. So I always understood why it had was removed in WOD.
maybe if youre bad at basic math yeah
There’s no point to bringing reforging back. Every stat increases your throughput and if you really don’t like the stat line, just don’t roll for the item.
This complaint still makes no sense. Yes, it will never be as good as a BiS piece, but you’re not guaranteed a BiS piece. It provided you with overall better itemization on the gear you did have, making you more effective until you did finally get a better drop.
The game literally doesn’t tell you half the math like stat weights. Not to mention when we had to deal with stats like hit chance and expertise which varied in required amounts based on the content you did.
If you “basic math’d” it, you were doing it suboptimally compared to anyone using a sim.
The game literally doesn’t tell you half the math like stat weights.
theory crafters come up with those numbers, the average player has no need to dig that deep.
Not to mention when we had to deal with stats like hit chance and expertise which varied in required amounts based on the content you did.
basic math figured this part out
Moving the goal posts on the first part.
Second part, not in a way that doesn’t waste stats. Which is the problem, there is a correct way to reforge and every other way is suboptimal and incorrect. This is why it’s bad game design to exist.
that’s not moving the goal posts, a miniscule number of players would even know how to come up with numbers for stat weights. many players wouldn’t even understand stat weights, soft caps, hard caps, and break points.
I loved it, but I have a degree in Finance so I love Statistics and Math in general. I do get the other side though.
Why? do you enjoy running around with weird feet or ring with random second stats that isn’t BIS for your spec?
I don’t think most people do hate it.
Most people would prefer that gear has “+xxx to secondary stats” And then allow you to distribute the secondary stats by % in your talent selection page.
That way people who have specs that prefer two different sets of secondaries don’t have to collect 2 sets of gear for no reason. Also this would eliminate almost all useless gear.
But for some reason we have to read some masochist nerds tell us how dealing with useless drops and collecting multiple sets of gear for each spec is a “core pillar/principal of MMORPGS”
This complaint still makes no sense. Yes, it will never be as good as a BiS piece, but you’re not guaranteed a BiS piece. It provided you with overall better itemization on the gear you did have, making you more effective until you did finally get a better drop.
Here’s the thing.
Without reforging, if a piece of gear drops that isn’t BiS for you and has stats you don’t need, you won’t have much incentive to roll on it outside of transmog or gold sale value. That means for people it is BiS for, they generally won’t have to compete with you, because you’re not looking for those stats on your gear.
With reforging, you’re competing for every piece of gear, even if it’s stats are not good for you, because you can ‘reforge it later’.
It sucks, not only because you get the loot and can’t wear it until you reforge it. But also because players it is BiS for might have lost it to someone who will get less value out of it on account of that fact that it’s not BiS for them.
Blizzard isn’t bringing back reforging regardless, so it’s a non-issue.
What are you on about? Hate? When, people are asking to it’s return regularly.
I think your definition of regularly needs some work. Because by the known definition of that word, that isn’t happening. There is not a significant number of people making threads calling for reforging to be brought back.