Why do people hate on warriors?

I was going by current vanilla raid logs. Feral is significantly easier to play in SoD vs. it’s Vanilla counterpart. But what you said here is true,

I’ve seen ferals get paid to auto-attack in gnomer and just provide wild strikes. My own guild has even asked me if I would level my feral before my other alts just to provide it in ST earlier.

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Warriors were great at pvp, and the best tank in the game. In pvp warrior with a pocket healer will be dominant. Otherwise they had a hard time vs kiters at least that is what i remember from vanilla times. What’s is OP are rogues. They always have an advantage on you, the element of surprise → stealth.

Are you like actually mentally unstable, warrior runes are “GOOD”, in what world lol.

They struggle at mass aoe, pvp, leveling. Hell previous phases tanking was a massive issue and it still is. There are more issues but lets stop it there lol.

Like idk if you ever looked at the runes many classes got, but yeah. Dual wield spec, meta, shaman rune adjustment, just to mention a few, which all made em monsters and severely improves their classes or vitally changes them.

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nothing beats two cringelords stroking eachother off


Why so negative? . A least they are having a decent arguments and you’re not bringing anything to the table?

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This thread is like a Running of the Bulls. Get in the way of the bulls at your leisure and get ran tf over lmao. People are passionate about their class in here and I dig it.

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The warrior zug zug, its the warrior zug zug

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Decent arguments? Every thread they try to start fights and then congratulate each other for their “win”, they’re insufferable.

For the topic on hand regarding why do people hate Warriors? It’s because they have never ending PTSD to Deep Wound’s DPS late game.


I made this thread cause i genuinely wanted to know why people hate on warriors, its kinda spiraled back and forth between topics lol

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Not only were they that crazy but the Warrior community was incredibly arrogant and entitled as well. They rolled on and got priority for EVERYONE’S gear. Leather, mail, cloth, plate, you name it. Same goes for weaponry. Nothing was safe. Big bow and gun drops? You’d think it’d go to the Hunter, right? Wrong. It’s a Warrior stat-stick. There was even a point where they were rolling on spell power gear because of a stupid healing trinket they had that stacked with spell power. Also, they would only tank for gold. I hated them with a passion in Vanilla Classic. They’ve been very tame in SoD thus far but I promise you it’s going to pay off once they ascend back into Godhood at level 60.


I was posting about this earlier in the thread, calling it abusive.

MT would wear gear with zero stamina on it, aka, Lionheart Helm to “hold threat”. Therefore every single healer had to spam heal the tank and chug mana pots on CD because of this. Also had the DPS Warriors screaming “heal me!” randomly in raid.

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How about you quote me instead of projecting your own poor arguments onto mine?


Well, thatt doesnt sound like fun. Tbf though some leather was bis due to most plate being for tanks.
But i totally see what your talking about. I feel like the class can still be listened to when it has problems though. But yeah i get where your coming from.

Easy to play? You mean as easy as the 1 button rotation classes in era? I dont think so

The problem isn’t that this is the best way to keep your DPS from being threat capped, the problem is that everyone and their mom wants to meta chase in this game now, and when expectations aren’t aligned it causes frustration.

A chill/casual guild is still gonna clear the content just fine, although it will be harder and take longer. A player who wants a casual raid and finds themselves in a parsing raid is gonna be annoyed that they have to push really hard to accommodate the different playstyle.

Sigh… Especially the younger crowd. All the DPS warriors and the MT were like freshmans in college when I raided in Classic, some of them were highschoolers.

I’m not slamming them, I enjoyed playing with them and had my laughs, but there was some abusive stuff going on, mostly towards the healers. All the healers had a fall out except for like a few most dedicated. I remember a healer shammy got the Scepter in AQ and then quit the game right after lol.

Well, Only entitled class and arrogant are paladins. Bubble → hearth, That builds arrogance and entitlement. Not to mention a free mount!

Well, Not a lot of people loved to level a warrior vanilla times. It was pretty depressing. At around 40+ things started to look better but to get there was like watching Bob Ross painting, too many happy little trees and you were dead because fighting more than 1 npc was not possible.

Okay -

1 - You act like you’re above telling people to go play Era.

2 - You act like above an ad hominem attack.

3 - You think you’re above discounting what people say because it’s pretty obvious they aren’t serious… I pointed out sea lioning and you called a dude contrarion for disagreeing with you. I’d get a link, but this is a pain.

You’re just a massive hypocrite and you’re dog water at playing a warrior.


Yea warrior is easily the hardest to level. Thats why they get rewarded with big scaling. Other people are jelouse of the warrior because of the big damage but no one wants to put in the work to get the warrior leveled and geared to do those numbers. When you ask if dps was so important to them then why didnt they play warrior they always say the same lame excuse. “Warrior is boring” and its true if you never hit max level with good gear.