Why do people hate on warriors?

Sorry, your right…i shouldve clarified. Recently ive seen alot of SoD threads with warriors talking about the new runes and how the synergy between them is no good, like fury with TfB and the rage loss of the rune actually being used. Ive felt this one personally. Then they will give a suggestion such as adding wrecking crew to the head slot. After this i see people below responding as i used in the post “youll be op at 60 why do you care” or “warrior crybabies all you do is complain”
Hope this clears up what i meant!

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Garrosh Hellscream
Varian Wrynn
Grommash hellscream
Broxigar Saurfang
Varok Saurfang
Saurfang the Younger

Gym Bro testosterone mentality with the words “Zug zug”

Actually so true, warrior just plays different

Delusional, or ignorant?

A lot of classes get essentially useless runes, but at least most of warriors are at least useable, and don’t require 2-3 runes to make them effective. If you think warrior runes are bad, look at the runes a holy paladin gets, they don’t even get a bad role specific rune to select in their wrist selection.

Yeah, I think you’ve sort of pointed out a big part of whatever it is you’ve noticed as well:

This has traditionally been very true with how warriors scale. Of course people have varying opinions, and preferences, and may view things somewhat differently, and with SoD we’ll see how things end up playing out.

I feel like it’s pretty early in the phase to know where things will go, and that it’s cool we have a variety of playstyles to choose from (I brought my warrior to raid last night as a 2 handed, Overpower using Arms-centric DPS), there was a warrior tanking, and another warrior glad-stance DPSing with a sword and shield, that did surprisingly well.

I’m having fun, and of the characters I play at max-level warrior is by far my favorite to PVP on, and I also find it a lot of fun in PVE. I can understand how people might complain about the current Battle Stance, Overpower proc playstyle that Taste for Blood brings if they don’t like it, but I like it, so I don’t really care what they think haha.

Anyway, warrior is awesome! People who complain will complain no matter what. It’s like those signs “Don’t feed the bears.” It turns out, if you cater to complainers, you get a whole lot more of them!


It’s more the attitude of

  • “I deserve everything first”
  • " I should be top of the charts"
  • “you all exist to make me look good”
  • “I don’t care if I stand in the bad, you heal me!”

All because it sucks leveling a warrior if you’re solo.

Now they can’t claim gear first “for the good of the guild!!!11!!one!!!”

That’s why people are salty.

Yeah it’s a generalization, but… it’s a pretty accurate one. Almost every guild has a few dudes like this.

I do. Victory Rush has no biz being on the gloves slot when devastate and smf are there, essentially making it a dead rune for soloing, since you need the others.

Yet here you are flapping your fingers about a game you never played.

I love my warrior, i will main warrior no matter how bad it gets. I love how it plays and the runes make it play nicely, but i do notice our lack of strength or viability these past few phases.
I often see the arguement from warrior players that they dont want to be op and just wsnt to be viable, and i agree. I personally dont want to be op at 60 i just want to have fun.
I think blizz has the right idea to keep us from being op with armor and making other classes way stronger.

He’s arguing with a guy that thinks vanilla warriors were the hardest to play DPS class.

Which is about as ludicrous of a statement as you can make beyond, “frost mage was the hardest DPS class in vanilla”.

Also sucks they slapped glad stance on boots locking warriors out of enraged regen. Meanwhile Leg Slots are wide open.

I don’t know where this is coming from. Last phase, in Gnomer with mechs, warrior threat seemed to be on the low-side, and DPS wasn’t significantly higher than everyone else’s. I would be very skeptical of where you’re coming up with “lack of strength or viability.”

P1 warrior was quite strong, btw…

I’d also be skeptical where this notion is coming from. However, I do not doubt that Blizzard developers are being somewhat cautious with their approach to warriors, as they won’t really know how well they will scale and play once unleashed upon the world… and we might not either, since we have such a relatively short amount of time to play each phase.

I mean, potential for hardest in terms of gear, macro, stance, situational complexity management might be a reasonable claim. If you give a framework to measure what you mean by “hard” you could test it out.



Should have been on head imo.

Obviously, there are going to be some runes that you want to grab, the fact that you get multiple viable runes is a good thing. Warrior runes strangely enough seem to have so many options for play styles, yet people get down on them because they see them as boring for some reason, often ignoring how flexible it makes them, where instead of getting a new “attack” one they already have such as slam, or overpower becomes actually useable in combat.

Honestly, for the most part I wish they would stop adding more runes, fix some of the broken ones and broken specs, then give people a slot that could use for any runes eliminating some of the slot bottleneck, and then a rune for just general QOL improvements such as out of combat mana, health recovery, run or mount speed and more then anything resilience to reduce the PvP damage.

Shield Mastery is there.

Warriors are going to be top 3 this phase.

I personally havnt tried glad stsnce yet, it seemse like a fun idea. Although ive heard its not very good in pve, looks great in pvp though, using all abilities can be a great advantage.

That kinda sucks lol

At least the head rune is great if you liked glad.

I do remember p1 warrior, was alot of fun once you got gear. I actually skipped p2 lol so im getting that from other warriors.
As for the armor part, i interpreted the high armor of mobs as a nerf to melee classes. So i assumed this was intended to keep warriors down.