Why do people hate on warriors?

Ret was the only class to change classic and get unfair treament cause the developer plays that spec, rightfully so that is a better reason to be mad at than warriors being good at 1 aspect of the game and devs doing no changes.

i dont need to disprove you more, so you can just keep farming forum posts cause you dont have a real job lol.

I don’t hate Warriors, I was actually laughing with them with their antics. Some of my earlier WoW memories are of me WF botting for the top Warriors on our server because I played a healer shaman in PVP in Vanilla which was almost unheard of. My first guilds in Vanilla were world PVP guilds. BGs and honor didn’t exist in the game yet. We just ran around STV/Hillsbrad ganking people all day for PVP, just for pure fun.

I will say this though: Healing high end raids in Classic, Warriors are definitely the most abusive. The only thing they care about are their buffs and parsing, they literally will not do anything else in the game, talking about the raid loggers.

All the issues you raise are a problem of parses, not warrior players, who would play any spec that was the best, in tbc they played hunters and warlocks and in wrath they played dks.

I didn’t raise every issue though, I’m not biased against them, why are you responding to me like I am.

Here is an issue that has nothing to do with parses: they would bid on healer loot for their Diamond Flask set. Has nothing to do with parses and is still very abusive.

Another thing they would do is sacrifice their survivability for threat, but they would go way overboard, forcing every healer in the raid into a MT spamming Mana Pot chugger. Nothing to do with parsing, for them personally anyway.

I stated a fact of why so many warriors were annoying, cause they were the top parsing players that FOTM whatever is the best class.

And not only did that give them a 15k+ selfhealing in dungeons and raids on a 5min cd, i t allowed em to solo and do a lot of content more efficiently, so what is wrong with that ? Sure getting healing gear over your healers is a problem of your LC being dumb af, still not a warrior issue.

Warriors had to sacrificed surv for threat, did you ever even see the threat table ? The rest of the dps classes were right in the a*s of the tank…

Back in the day, DPS just waited to DPS, there were no threat issues for the most part.

We also cleared AQ 40 without Diamond Flask in Vanilla. I raided Naxx in Vanilla. You can preach to the choir all you want, it’s still abusive in Classic.

Yeah lets wear Lionheart Helm as a tank which has 0 stamina on it when there are dozens of other options that will help you hold threat but still give you stamina.

The warriors in Classic were just straight up toxic, there is no debate, that’s the whole point of this thread, that’s why people hate them lol.

And people got better, so they realized you didnt have to do that, you could simply be more efficient and save everyone about 4 hours of raiding a night.

Irrelevant, you also didnt clear every raid in less than a couple of hours of release, arguing that you shouldnt do something cause you didnt use to is bogus, people used diamond flask in vanilla 100%.

Yeah lets listen to shvanel on what is optimal to do, threat pieces for threat that worked out and had healers use mana pots wow, how terrible, a less than 1g consume per boss.
Did you ever stop to think how at most, all the tanks still wore plate gear pieces with high armor and usually stam as well, lionheart being the only real case you can mention, or the fact that they wore a shield in many cases and wore full t3 in naxx. Maybe content was tuned differently and you could gear differently.

The players that parsed and were playing warriors were toxic, nothing different from the mages, hunter raid gatekeepers now in sod, or dks in wrath or hunters and warlocks in tbc. Doesnt justify hating or keeping a class down that needs help.

It feels good to add someone to my ignore list who is just typing walls of text no one cares about.


womp womp :clown_face:

Thats the warrior copium though, warriors have better skills then almost every other class, their runes are good in the way that they have tons of options, and while yes a bit boring, they didn’t really need much outside of prot, which seems to be getting ignored again. While not always first, by the end of each phase, warriors have been solidly in the top half of DPS, often dominating the leaderboards, this is before they really come into their own and their scaling takes over.

The one area they are struggling a bit right now is in PvP, and the problem really isn’t even them, its that healers are completely overwhelmed and can’t keep up with the damage being so high, everyones including their own, and they have no way to slow down the essential one shots. But like everything else, many warriors make it all about them, ignoring the fact that healers, the thing that made them almost invincible gods in Classic PvP, are so marginalized many are bailing on PvP completely.


So…warrior players are the issue with the hate, they want to be OP like in era and people dont want that. I guess that makes sense.

New warrior players like myself are truly paying for the sins of our fathers. RIP

Im actually 50, it didnt update for some reason. Wearing the incursion pvp gear atm.

Because in vanilla/Classic their toons got killed once by a geared warrior, so they hold butthurt grudges and think that’s an excuse for warriors to be far behind in SOD.

Yeah, pretty much.

You joined a club with a bad rep and didn’t even know it.

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To be fair i’ve never had anyone diss my class or be mad about it lol. I play with mostly RL friends.

Literally true, i never played era i joined in MoP. I get the hate in game for something i never even did or even saw.

It’s probably for the same reasons that someone might trash on this statement you’ve made. If you make a generalized statement, it’s easy for people to fill-in-the-blanks and use their own biases to either support or attack it.

What specific class problems do you see being brought up, and what specific ways are people being trashed on for bringing them up? This might be relevant information.

From my experience and memory, people complaining about warriors seem to be completely new to the class or to classic and then say something like, “I want Titan’s Grip. Warriors should have healing specs. I should be able to 1v1 Warlocks easily.”

OK, but that’s not this game. And they’ll respond, “SoD is not Classic.”

OK, what’s the folder named where you put your addons?


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We literally got 2 waist runes that essentially do the same thing last phase.