Why do people hate on warriors?

Thank you, I was a bit annoyed when they confused a melee hunter with a warrior.

Are you? The graph you are linking is still MUCH better than…


This is also at the END of Vanilla. You’re comparing the end of Vanilla to the beginning of a phase.

These two pictures are not even close to the same.

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Hahahaha post on your Warrior. Or your warrior alt. Or your warrior backup.

It’s clear that you’ve never played any other class.

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they are exactly the same one spec was massively out of line and it wasnt fixed all phase long, reminder that without the armor hunk on bosses of gnomer, melee hunter would have been worse than end full bis naxx warrior, you choose end of last raid full bis as a counter argument as if it is at all even more relevant to all of classic.

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YOu have equal posts to brain cells and it shows, 5k posts tho, doesnt seem like you can play the game so you just farm the forums.

You are comparing the first week of a phase to Naxx. Even with cherry picked data, you’re still falling short.

Vanilla Warrior is 63% more damage than 2nd in damage.

In the data that you provided, Melee Hunter is doing 12% more damage than 2nd in damage.

I’ll try to figure this out with my “5k brain cells”, but me thinks that 63% may be larger than 12%.

Not only that, but the middle of the pack is much healthier than it was in Vanilla.

You lose. Good day sir.

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Sorry but youre legolas

You are comparing 3 years of bis gear acquired and fully world buffed and DMF naxx to one phase of sod, one was the way cause it was always that way, sod was the way cause they incompetently buffed hunters so many times they completely ruined all aspects of the game.

You are legit beyond stupid.

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Imagine saying this.

Right after saying this…

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This here.

OMG. (And they still do it in Era now…desert that it is.)

I was raiding in Era before SoD dropped as an elemental shaman. (Yes… they were hurting badly enough for Shamans among the warrior/rogue spam that is era that I got to name my price- working 4x as hard to produce 25-30% of the DPS!)

We had one warrior tank in particular, who was the raid lead (largely because he was the only one willing to do it outside the GM whose schedule was too out of whack) and initially it started out “okay” in him being fairly chill… but ANY time anyone mentioned another class being able to do something better than warrior in ANY scenario…he’d get super butthurt and do the 20 year-old roid-lord equivalent of “nuh uh.”

(Example: A geared ele shaman that could time the batching could delete a warrior with the ele mastery combo from range. I had done it several times in 2019 classic. He lost his mind and said it was impossible and that warrior was asleep and I was lying…)

Anyways: SoD dropped and as soon as I saw Shaman tanking and having DPS buttons to press, I dropped Era like the moldy potato that it is- and about a month later I hear that the guild cratered because that particular warrior was becoming a corrupt loot ninja that screamed at the raid for not doing exactly as he said when he said it.

Including screaming at one of the nicest players I know because she started rolling out the loot (They did 2SR and a bit of Loot council, and MS/OS beside) while they waited for the raid to reform after a wipe.

While I recognize that this particular individual is a bit extra even for a warrior, I do see that mentality even among the more reasonable warrior mains. They have spent decades being at the top with no challengers. (Rogues could usually keep up with DPS, but rogues couldn’t tank…so warrior Prio) And that built up a complex.

A certain baldiot uses the phrase “you’re playing the game wrong” when referring to DPSing not as a warrior…and I’m pretty sure he did not invent that phrase. That’s been around a while.

TL;DR: Warriors spent a long time being on top of a game where most other specs/classes couldn’t raid at all, or had to play with one or both hands tied behind their backs (Can’t risk pushing Sunder off you know) which built up a superiority complex in warriors and a general sense of resentment from pretty much everyone else.

I’m largely beyond the “keep warriors in the dirt in SoD” phase and would like to see them get some cool new toys as well by this point. (Maybe Stormbolt?) But I’m not beyond smiliing broadly at seeing a warrior (or a rogue) whining about getting into raid.

No, you compared Week 1 of P2 to Final phase of Naxx. I compared Final week of P2 to the final Naxx.

You decided to choose something that more closely aligned with your argument, but still fell short.


cant handle the truth, 12% more dmg are you actually dense ?

rogues and mages werent even 60% behind warrior throughout nearly all of naxx, but you choose absolute end full tier bis as your argument yet cant see how dumb you are, we are talking classic not the dead era only classic of only naxx. We can see from WCL clearly that all other raids werent nearly as bad as post 30 weeks naxx lol.

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So you compared essentially less than 10 weeks of level 40 endgame to 300 weeks of classic endgame and you dont see how that didnt represent all of classic.


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Are we maximizing DPS or not here?

You’re moving the goalpost so far, that it isn’t even in the same field anymore. Tell you what, lets meet back next year so that we can compare Naxx in SoD to Naxx in Classic Era. Because what you’re doing right here, is giving yourself an out.

During our discussion, you’ve repeatedly demeaned my intellect. Even though I was responding with facts. Your approach reveals a significant deficit in both emotional maturity and intelligence, undermining any potential for meaningful dialogue. Frankly, I’d prefer the company of the simplest mind over speaking further with someone showing such disdain for constructive conversation.

The eclipse was yesterday so your long weekend should be done. Don’t miss the bus, your parents may be upset if you do.


In vanilla I’ll play, uh…a Human Warrior!
How Original.
And for TBC, I’ll roll, uh…a Warlock!
Daring today, aren’t we?


are we making strawmen arguments or not, the maximize dps argument had nothing to do with warriors not being naxx level ahead of everyone throughout all of classic era.

I am being honest, you are being beyond dishonest, melee vs melee dmg for overbuffed gnomergan armor bosses, melee hunter was more than 60% ahead of the next phys dps. You are being dishonest as all hell trying to argue cause casters were favored in the raid for all of the first weeks somehow discredits the monster that was week 1-3 melee hunter. Outside the raid they were mogging any classes more than a naxx warrior in era ever did lol.

In what way is lying and being dishonest “facts” lol.

Keep sitting on the short bus boi, please ignore me so i can stop wasting my time on dishonest short bus kids trying to pick the most favorable scenarios to make a mute argument.

Ah yes, this will prove to me that you aren’t school-aged.

Why would I do that? We are having fun.

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warrior 78, rogue 66, mage 60. In Sthis world that means warriors are 60%+ ahead, nice math. I guess one day you will learn what average and medians are and why they are so important right here.

I dont get the whole class hating thing, like oomkins and huntards. Every class has a use, just because its not meta doesnt mean it cant help.

Pretty much anyone who raises an issue or complaint immediately gets bashed by the “community” here so don’t feel too bad. Go look up anything Ret for example and there’s tons of people telling them to keep their mouth shut.