Why do people hate on warriors?

Some people wanna swing big weapons, some people want to wear a dress and cast spells. Your fantasy isnt more right than anyone elses.


I believe the only fights rogues “lead” warriors are on the turtle and murloc boss; and the turtle boss is literally the only thing preventing warriors from taking the top spot.

Don’t worry, people hate ret paladins a LOT more.

wait, they stand in fire because they want the soothing healing caress of a healer priest?

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Don’t hate on them at all. I would bet money they are the #1 class I kill the most and with great success (spriest). Very easy honor

What’s wrong with picking a warrior in a fantasy game?

Aragon is definitely a hunter using lone wolf.

Warriors are easy to play so everyone plays them to spam big numbers and feel good about themselves so they have an air of arrogant jerkiness about them (Ret Paladins as well)l. But recently mages have taken that spot in SoD, can’t think of a single class that overpulls more in dungeons. Warlocks are the good guys though, thanks for the summon.

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Warrior didnt get nr1 at anything but 95-99% and that was very close to the end of p1, p2 they were memes, i mean most specs were except hunters cause that spec cannot be allowed to be tuned properly and then later enhancement shaman.

Outside of pve what about some things to make the spec more nice, selfhealing, mass aoe by removing whirlwind 4 peeps hit or bladestorm etc.

This is why.


Say what you will about SoD class balance in raiding. It’s still WAY better than this.


Warrior is by far the most complicated spec to play in PvE if you want to maximize dps, nearly everyone else is 1-2 button specs, that does not require to click anything else, stance dancing, a rough 6 abilities minimum to click etc and a ressource to actually look at is far more than most classes ever had to think of in classic, even if it is still not that hard.

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Replace warrior with melee hunter, rogue with mage and mage with warlock and you have the exact same graph you had in the start of p2 of sod lmao.

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Everything is more complicated when you are wanting to maximize DPS. The difference is that everyone else needs to jump through a ton of hoops just to be as good as an auto-attacking warrior. In Vanilla at least.

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This is self inflicted. Warriors are OP in classic and classes weren’t balanced. They made sure they got loot first and trashed every other class.

Essentially World of Warriorcraft. It’s why you see so many warriors whining about SoD not being classic enough.




Not even close man.


Mention 1 spec that ever had as many things to think about for just dps as a warrior, not cc or utility, just dps.

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Vanilla feral druids.

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“the start of p2 of sod” are you dense up top ?

Here is the pic so yeah

As a level 38 in p3 of sod, idt you have to worry your pretty head


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