Why Do People Hate Anduin So Much?

There are major contrasts. That’s the point, they aren’t the same. But both are very emotional.

Varian is very quick to mistrust, quick to anger, and will yell and shout at the drop of a
hat. Very fiery emotions.

Anduin is very empathetic, feels everyone’s suffering like it’s his own and even the idea that he may have liked some aspects of being Dominated (oh my) was enough to turn him into a hermit.


She’s the most soft character I can think of tbh that actually means anything or does anything. We need to know what “soft” means here, otherwise this is like 2 blind people giving directions to each other on how to get to the gas station.

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oh ya those emotions are fine with me. Quick to anger, war, violence…yep sounds good to me


Oh so you’re just gate keeping what emotions characters can have, gotcha.


Exactly. Which is why his post is funny. And dumb.

But to his credit, mostly funny.

How can you not like Varian?! Loved that character!!


I know. I’m a bloody fox.


And reveals himself to be a troll in the last post, nice.


Hey, it’s not ME! Its those THEM!

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TBH I don’t like his bread

Anduin wasn’t soft. He was young and inexperienced.

He isn’t that anymore.

I am sure all you keyboard cowboys were such badasses in your early 20’s :roll_eyes:


then try a tortilla wrap

I think most people like anduin, they’re just annoyed with him after shadowlands

his guilt felt very over exaggerated since he wasn’t in control of his actions and honestly didn’t even do much while being mind controlled.

Having Chris Metzen back gives me some hope that some of the great iconic characters make a return if not in person then in spirit …

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So Anduin unfortunately gets my hate for two reasons. First he replaces Varian who I think was a far superior leader for the Alliance.

The second reason is the same reason I hate Kalecgos. All the whiny, moping, all the time. It’s constant and every time we get a cut scene with either of them, we have listen to them whine in an over dramatic voice about their feelings.

Could they save Anduin in my eyes if he finally stopped being so whiny and started to fill Varian shoes? Possibly, but I’m not holding my breath.


Adolescent angst is real. So is trauma.

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I guess there’s a bunch of reasons.

There’s the Horde player who just want to smash all things Alliance, and Anduin being about peace kinda gets in the way.

There’s the excessive focus on Stormwind and Humans, with Nelves and characters like Tyrande being left aside.

There’s the faction war, with a load of Horde aggression going on back then, but we were stuck with a leader who did nothing and talked about peace. With Nelves getting the worst of it.

And some people just hate pretty bois who have feelings.

Something like that.


He’s a poorly written cry baby I don’t see what there is to like about his character. Just like with the entirety of dragonflight his writing is the exact opposite of show not tell. We don’t need to hear why he’s sad all the time, it’s a fantasy game not a PTSD simulator.

This is like if when Hellscream declined to drink the blood during the wod cinematic and mannoroth came walking around the corner sobbing and saying how hellscreams decision really hurt his feelings and demanding an apology.


He reminds me of emos from myspace back in 2003. Or that emo boy from evangelion, you know the one.

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When Anduin was possessed in Shadowlands not using Wrynn’s spirit to be the one to free/protect his son was the biggest missed opportunity ever.

Unfortunately Anduin is the only conduit for that disappointment.

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