Why do people fear level squish? [Discussion]

A level squish without a complete revamp of talents and abilities just means we get our last talent at level 50 (assuming a cap of 60 as most people seem to do), and still have two expacs worth of levels where we get nothing because everything is on our gear rather than our characters.

The rental gear philosophy is what needs to be changed. So long as that stays, we’re going to keep the big post-100 dead zone in character abilities, and it’s going to get bigger as each expansion’s rental gear is rendered powerless so those abilities can be moved to the current expansion’s rental gear.

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And if they were going to revamp talents, unprune our abilities, and revamp leveling, they could do all of those things completely independent of the number of levels.

Given Blizzard’s track record, I think it’s safest to assume a level squish would mean exactly what it says: a lower level cap. Assuming they’ll also put in the effort to completely rework the leveling process, when they could do the same thing without a level squish, is being overly optimistic.


Cause people will cry unfair that blizzard reduced level cap

Exactly. What’s the point? It won’t make leveling quicker, it’ll make it more stagnated if anything. Leave it as it is. If their squish of anything else is an indicator, they’ll mess it up big time and never fully fix it.

I fear every decision coming from Ion’s B team of diablo devs that all of the founders have fled from

They are almost always implemented poorly, underwhelm, or are just a bad call

If they can protect legacy content farming I would really like a level squish. 120 levels are pretty daunting for new or even some returning players.

Sure. If the level was reduced to say 60 max. Just the thought of only 60 levels to max even if it took the same time would ease a lot of those players concerns.

And let’s face it. Half the levels or more we go up we get nothing ability or talent wise anyways. It would make each level feel more important. Especially if blizz decided to return some of the pruned abilities.

Nothing like going up 20 levels and getting jack squat for it. :smirk:

False. Literally any QnA that asks that about leveling old world content disagrees. Idk why you keep trying to loop talents into that revamp so I cut it off.

False again. It’s called psychology. “Hey new player, do you want to level to 130” sounds like absolute trash compared to “Hey new player, do you want to level to 60”. Even if they revamp everything, the barrier to new players is still going to be “Max Level: 130”. Why? Their concept of what is in a level is completely based on games they have already played…games that have their max level at 60-80. They have never played WoW before. They don’t know you can hit 40,60, or what ever in a single day. All they know is wow…it took me 2 months to hit max on GW2 and it only had 60 levels…130 levels is going to be a nightmare, no thanks.

As much as you want to act like numbers dont matter, their are hundreds of studies and entire departments of marketing built around how different ways to represent the same thing using number changes manipulates user outlook on that thing.

Once again though, that concept seems to go over your head.

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They say a lot of things. Sometimes they come true.

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Show us some of these Q&As that talk about revamping the old world. Because I haven’t seen them talk about it, they’re just focuses on the leveling process itself, that every time you level up, you should get something more than just the flash of light and a stat increase.


I think the amount of things players fear monger would happen turn out false a lot more than what the developers say on a side by side.

As for the QnA if you fancy yourself watching though 800 hours of QnAs for specific questions go for it.

I don’t really fear a level squish. I fear the ways Blizzard will mess up a level squish.

For instance, I shouldn’t need to find 24-39 people to do old content. I fear that with a level squish, soloing old content will no longer be possible. Groups are fine for new content but shouldn’t be needed for content older than two expansions.

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More so with the fact Blizzard has gated several casual character advancements behind raids and dungeons. Heck, Alliance has two allied races gated behind runs.

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Blizzard don’t really intend to make the leveling experience any faster, so this is more of a psychological impact thing. And changing things has a habit of creating new and interesting ways to break things. So from that standpoint, do we really need it?

After WoD, I’m not sure why anyone would blindly trust the devs. We were supposed to have Temple of Karabor and Bladespire Citadel as our faction capitals. We were supposed to be able to choose which zone to place our garrison. We were supposed to go to Farahlon in Patch 6.1. We were supposed to have this epic quest line to get flight. We were supposed to face Grom as the final boss.

You made the claim that this stuff exists. You prove it. Because I have watched most of their Q&As and haven’t seen them talk about revamping the world.


They did talk about maybe speeding up the leveling process, but they could do that without a squish as well.

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with a level squish they would have to find somewhere to shove all the expansions into. currently it is 1-60 Vanilla/Cata, 60-80 BC/Wrath, 80-90 Cata/MoP, 90-100 WoD, 100-110 Legion and 110-120 BfA. with a level squish (assuming we drop to 60 is max of BfA) it’d end up something like: 1-30 Vanilla/cata, 30-40 BC/Wrath, 40-45 Cata/MoP, 45-50 WoD, 50-55 Legion and 55-60 BfA. we’d then be getting things like mounts and flying at 10/20/30 instead of 20/40/60, unless they adjust the rate at which we get them to spend most of the leveling content on the ground.

i like the idea of a level squish, but honestly i doubt it would be implemented very well.

What’s the alternative? Just be afraid of everything and cower whenever changes are proposed? Because that’s what the community is doing and all it does is result in bad changes. How? The devs can’t collect honest feedback and therefore cant adjust plans accordingly. Whenever they get feedback they need to guess and estimate how much of it is just standard fearmongering and how much is actual feedback which inevitably results in miscalculations.

The game is going to change and update, as a community we can either embrace this simple fact and be constructive or we can try to fight against it and fear monger every change is going to ruin the game while still failing to stop changes from happening.

This squish issue is a perfect example, think about the poor soul at blizzard that needs to wade through things like this thread to gather community opinion and seperate all the people who are afraid of change from all the people who genuinely don’t want the level squish because it would be bad for the game and not because they are afraid of blizzard changing things. At least in this specific thread people are being honest and saying it’s fear of them messing it up in change but most threads and feedback don’t share such honesty.

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Somewhere in the middle. Take what they say with a grain of salt and realize that they’re going to over-promise and under-deliver.

Even when we have stuff to test on the beta or PTR, our feedback is still largely ignored.

It’s difficult to collect feedback when they don’t have anything solid to share with us. What are the details of the level squish beyond just squishing the levels? They talked about making every level feel like it means something, but what exactly does that entail? We can only react to what we know, and what they’ve told us is pretty vague.


I’ll bait. My only concern is Legacy content and Legacy loot for transnog since currently it is 11 level higher.

Aside from that I don’t think a level squish would be bad.

So basically what you mean here is that they would actually spread the abilities out when they level squish which would be like you getting an ability at level 59 which is in reality level 115. So don’t patronize me when you don’t understand what you are saying. As I said, leveling feels useless because you don’t get anything now but even if they level squish its just you getting the same key abilities much slower.