Why do people defend pathfinder?

Then you are here what? To stir the pot?

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Why are you? Note the title of this thread, why do people defend pathfinder, are you the one who controls when someone is allowed to answer? You are up there with those who keep jumping on anyone who disagrees with you, it’s your right, as it is mine to pitch in why I like the system and would love it more if they tweaked it some. So to you anyone who likes something doesn’t have that right cool.

I am merely pointing out a fact. Most won’t comment if they enjoy a service, that does not mean that some of us do.

You are absolutely correct, I can not dispute this. I was mainly thinking about all the posts from players who are mainly instance runners, something it looks like we all will become in Shadowlands, and PVP players who do mainly Battlegrounds. They could do their training in between their Instance, and Battleground runs. Blizzards Ethos is not alligned with my sentiment.

These players, primary repeated complaint is, they do not want to do the content needed to complete the Pathfinder achievement.

My pathos is strong for these people. I would feel the same way they do, if Instance and Battleground requirements were added to Pathfinder.

Maybe Blizzard needs to make a seperate Pathfinder, by recognizing Instance, and Battleground players. They might not have completed any of the regular open world content, but they are paying their subscriptions, and using their own PF "Player Franchise, to play the game, the way they want to.

In doing so however they are suffering the penalty of, being denied flying. They exercise their Player Franchise, “it’s my game, and I will play how I want to.”

Blizzard might have to recognize, Instance players, and Battleground players, and create two new Pathfinder Achievements, for their gameplay. I think Battlefields level with expansions, anyone want to confirm that?

Instances like dungeon and raids, would Timewalking Dungeons and Raids for older Expansions that need Pathfinder unlock, would they be equivalent or greater difficulty and thus be worthy to unlock a Pathfinder achievement, designed for instance Runners?

Also, giving each Region (World) Quests a wide variety of rewards to choose from, and not just a Stipend amount of gold, or crafting resources. A lot of gathered crafting material is literally waisted, while leveling professions.

So Pathfinder unlocks flying, and hazardous flying training if you want to harvest mobs in the empty expanse, between the regions. Different mobs when harvested by the three gathering professions, will yield crafting resources. Also small islands of reality, some populated by hermits, who are NPC Crafters. Other Islands, give us a glimps into other regions we can not reach in this expansion.

Also there should be mining and herbalim nodes on these Islands. The more attuned we become to the space between the Regions we can reach in Shadowlands, the More Islands will appear, and of cause, flying will become safer. Each mob could be a mix of at least one Elite, and the rest, non Elites.

Of course, like Region Quests, if the effort of even bothering to attune your character to this expanse is to be worth the effort, what quantity of crafting material you can gather, should be better, even way more better, then just gathering nodes. Fly out to a Island, pull mob with you, defeat it, and collect the resources. Search the Island for more resources, mining and herb nodes.

Rinse and repeat, as you make your way accross the expanse, or backwards and forwards hopping from Island to Island within the expanse. Like sending a trawler out to sea.

Having all of the resources you will need to craft equipment for four or five characters, would be a very alt friendly content design, a very strong selling point for what Blizzard has virtually promised to be a Alt-friendly Expansion. There is effort their, and you could even tie some reputation leveling in, as you cull mobs that steal Anima Power from the covenant regions.

Yep, I was being generous, and I was also including the time it took to do both Pathfinder Part 1 and Part 2.

Blizzard aligning their Ethos with player Logos and Patho, … … … not good.

I just threw that in there, to see how you and others who read it would react, I did not like the idea either.

Don’t completely dismiss that as a legitimate reason, to want flying, … its rude. :face_with_monocle: :smiling_imp:


Relevant to a players chosen content, again agreed. Flying available, from expansion start, unlock flying for a region, as you complete content, in that region. sounds good.

No Gating on any content?

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In fact, most won’t comment on these forums if they dislike the game, either. They just quietly unsub.

Consequently, no conclusions can be drawn based solely on who does or does not comment.

I would consider the fact that Blizzard got widely booed at Blizzcon upon the SL Pathfinder announcement more of an indicia about how players feel about Pathfinder.


Who cares? Should we start making the requirements as basic as possible for RPers too?

Not in it’s current form.

That’s a good point, I didn’t hear any “cheering” from the crowd when they announced that pathfinder was staying for Shadowlands :thinking:


Yes, and yes.

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Thanks! Glad to see someone actually reads a post. It’s kind of a relief in this thread.

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Under most every normal circumstance I can think of people who are posting here are posting as you correctly pointed out to complain about something. There are a few (but a non zero number) who will post to pass on a kind word to the dev’s or what not. There is another group who feels it their job (or something maybe they get jollies that way dunno) to defend Blizzard (Blizzard of course needs no defenders) but what this last group fails to understand is that arguing from that vantage point is a pointless proposition. You have nothing to gain if you win and those who do not share your opinion have much to lose if you win, while if you lose you, you lose both the argument and what you say you are here to stand up for.

So knowing that one must then assume that you are either here to argue against flight itself, or more particularly relevant, changes to pathfinder either because you are a White Knight for Blizzard or out of a sense of schadenfreude and cynicism. So which is it? Are you here to stir the pot or are you here to defend Blizzard? Because it cannot be that you are here because you like Pathfinder. If you did you wouldn’t give threads like this your time and energy.

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The nearest Starbucks is 36 minutes away :cry: :sob:

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Or what about the third label you fail to take into account since you seem to like them so much. The people like myself who don’t want to be silenced, who feel the need to share how we feel about things as well? I am not a Blizzard employee, far from it. I have my gripes every expansion, PF has never been one other than I wish they would unlock it per part like I’ve stated so many times in this post and plenty of others yet you don’t want to grasp that.

This here is where anything you say loses all credibility. Just because someone likes something it does not mean they are white knighting by any means. I have the right to also speak up and say hey I like this so that people who do like the system much like I do don’t get drowned out by the likes of you.

Your resorting to those words tells me so much about how my responding here is affecting you. You wouldn’t need to go the low brow route unless something I said actually affected you. You are up to 68 posts now trying to prove your point, we get it.


High there, I like the premise of Pathfinder, not how it has been implemented, can I be part of the conspiracy too, please, please, please, :smiling_imp: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I actually vastly prefer pathfinder to buying flying on every single toon. I actually find Pathfinder to be rather fun. What I DON’T find fun is the timegating on it.

Pathfinder Part 1 should unlock flying for the current zones. Period. As soon as you unlock Pathfinder, you should be able to fly. Not a simply movement speed increase. Flying.

If they want to restrict flight in the next zone they add? Pathfinder Part 2. No reason to restrict it from the other zones, unless new questing hubs are added to them.

If the new questing hub is in an existing zone? Add a new zone debuff that removes flight from that zone until you get Pathfinder part 2. It’s not a hard concept.

E.G. “The winds of Ardenweald have intensified, preventing flight. Advance your friendship with X to learn to overcome it in order to take to the skies again!” or something like that.

Likewise, I’d be perfectly fine with a SMALL timegate at the start of the expansion to stop people from rushing through content to get flight. Like 2-4 weeks or so. Just another debuff like the one mentioned below, E.G. saying the Shadowlands skies are unsafe or something. But the YEAR+ timegate they keep doing? Hell no.


Feel the same so many had part one done in a few weeks same went for part two. Ground us in new zones til we meet that bar. Doesn’t seem hard to me either

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Wow, thats a lot of leg work their to get your sources all lined up in a row like that.

I live on the moon, and I’ve got a Starbucks, that is 36 minutes away. :smiling_imp: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You are right, it’s where common sense goes out the window. The same that use these as references can’t comprehend why clickbait exists, it’s for people like them to jump on a bandwagon trying to burn the witches, in this case Blizzard. The videos of enjoyment tend to get less views than those who have an ax to grind, it’s partly why so many drama channels exist now.

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yes, Blizzard is not known for aligning it’s ethos, with player logos, and pathos, but I continue to post here anyway, in case someone from Blizzard, is paying attention, and they decide to align their ethos.

Same with PVP templates. Most people that liked PVP templates agreed it needed to be tweaked with being able to pick a stat loadout. I argued many times if the system was transparent and you had a stat loadout you could choose from that templates were fine.