Why do people defend pathfinder?

Before Pathfinder, getting any alt up to 310% flying speed in Pandaria* was a 10-12k gold sink. Post-WoD that amount is a non issue but back then saving up that amount for EACH alt required a bit of grinding, a lucky drop or calculated AH selling.

Aside from the exploration bit and the treasure chests in WoD, pathfinder has basically fit my playstyle: I like getting exalted with factions with at least one character, for any cosmetic rewards, and I like completing the Lore bit on at least one character to not miss the story playing out. Exploration is normally a quick 30 minute filler, in fact in BFA I didn’t need to try to get it.

And then any at that comes through can fly right off the bat. And I get to keep my gold.

I don’t love the time gating, that’s something else.

*And try and settling on 150% or 280% flying after your main zips around at 310%, it feels awful.


I’ll defend it,

sure, play through the quests once, level up a couple factions, that’s reasonable, hell that even makes sense, see it all at least once


what’s totally unreasonable is the unlock delay AND some overly complicated scheme as it exists in BFA (part 1, part 2a, part 2b, etc)


Because it saves me tens of thousands of gold with all my characters combined and skipping current expansion trash isn’t at the top of my priorities.

Less QQ, more working on PF, OP.


I like hit max level, pay some gold, and fly. However I also like not having to pay for every single one of my alts. I say keep PF1, scrap FP2 and it’s fine.


I think it’s more of “we want a feature we had right at max level for 8 years not be behind the content we regularly used flying to do back during that time”.



I don’t get your point here. There’s plenty of things you can only earn in game by doing specific content. Always has been.

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I defend pathfinder because of pvp reasons, i wouldnt have gotten the ‘conquer of azeroth’ title if people could fly away from me. =D

That being said, pathfinder part 2 should have dropped by 8.1


I thought you were done with flying threads :open_mouth:

Not true at all. Taking away flying isn’t an option. Well it is if Blizzard wanted wow to tank.


When you start getting flak, you know you’re found the target.


I have 26 characters. I’m going to do the pathfinder stuff anyway so why would I want them to change it to a pay system?


All the reasons to defend patchfinder don’t exists anymore.

“Better world design”

It has become progressively worse

“Better rewards”

Not based on BFA.

“More immersion and exploration”

Island expeitions, mythic +, unrated or rated PVP, raiding and warfronts are all instances.

Notice how since WoD the maps have shrunk, more instances or off line progression systems exist (eg mission table)?

With flying we actually had larger worlds, and a questing and rep system that made sense. Rep mattered and you could obtain rep the way you wanted and on your time table.


Hopefully OP is since he’s made two threads today. In the other PF thread he basically said he barely even plays so I don’t know why he needs to fly.


So your argument is there’s no such thing as grinding? Having to go to the same content for weeks in a row, content I don’t want to do, content that isn’t fun, in order to achieve one totally unrelated thing, is absolutely grinding.


Some feel frustrated that an aspect of the game that they love is locked behind severely heavy time gating.


Let’s say they required you to run 100 BGs to obtain PF, or complete a mythic raid or a +15 key. If it happens to fall on something you would normally do it’s not a big deal, but I don’t normally grind reps nor am I a completionist with quests. To me, choosing what quests to do is an aspect of roleplaying; so I choose not to pick up poop or kill innocents or wipe out species. If I play the game like I normally do I don’t get a fundamental aspect of the game.


The Coca-Cola Company: We’ve decided to put arsenic in the Coke.

Customers: No don’t do that.

The Coca-Cola Company: We’ve listened to your feedback, and cut the arsenic back to a non-lethal dose.

Customers: Um.

Coca-Cola General Discussion Regulars: They compromised! Aren’t you whiners ever satisfied?


Because once and done deal :slight_smile:

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Yep. That’s pretty much exactly what I said.

I think it’s less that people defend it but rather they don’t care about flying enough to criticize it. Especially if they’re the types that never made a lot of gold and/or had a lot of alts. One stop shop unlock where you get it organically is nice.

But it really just boils down to ‘different people are different’

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