Why do people compare ff14 and wow for system’s differences?

I’m not arguing, it’s a discussion forum.

Okay. Good discussion then chief.

You were talking about gear, I continued talking about gear progression, you stopped the discussion after that, so IDK what you want /shrug.

i love ff14, but i cringe when people compare wow to it. they’ve both had their own peaks and rough spots. i could never replace one with the other.

BUT… i will say… as much as i love it for its own strengths, it’s super annoying to go over there, be ‘outted’ as a wow player and shunned over a game. there’s a high and mighty vibe, despite how everyone applauds the community for being ‘nice’. i’d say people are just more talkative in 14, but it’s not always good. you can’t criticize the game or story (and lets be real it needs it) and NEVER tell anyone you skipped a cutscene, heaven forbid.


Weird, we openly talk about wow all the time on my server and no one has gotten shunned that’d i’ve see.

Lot of criticisms too, about FFXIV, it’s not all rainbow farts. FFXIV servers are so strange in their different views. Like… our novice network is actually useful, but I hear most aren’t.

WoW does have a stigma of being too competitive and that things like simulations and DPS meters are the things that metastasize into something toxic to what an RPG is supposed to be.

Oh don’t let people tell you that FFXIV doesn’t have the same thing.

But it’s far less influential than in WoW.

Only because the creators refuse to believe it exists to the extent it does.

They’ve gone so far as to say dps doesn’t matter while putting in dps check bosses lol.

The creators believe it exists, they just don’t feed into it like WoW does. You have people that are literally besides themselves because one ability is better than the others.

It surprises you that people are comparing the current top MMORPGs on the market? Why?

I said to the extent it does, not that they don’t.

They literally have this idea that dps doesn’t matter while putting legit dps checks in the game.

It’s only logical, since they are the two biggest MMORPGs in the entire world, with over 10 million active accounts EACH.

Accounts created, not active.

FF is over 10 million created, wow is over 100million

by all estimates neither has over 5 million active.

DPS checks are in single player RPG’s as well. Having a boss that has an enrage timer is not a new phenomena in any RPG. Even DnD has bosses with enrage timers.

Wow definitely has better pvp by a long shot but better raiding is debatable. I personally have never made it to raid content in FF14 but I know several people who think it has the best raiding of any mmo. Aesthetically they are epic af and look like a lot of fun. What makes you think wows raiding is better?

Fantastic game…

AFTER, the base game. The expansions are amazing but the ARR portion of the game can be a boring slog to get through.

If you really like 4 easy to moderate difficulty bosses every 6 months and 1 hard boss a year sure, not enough for me.

I actually enjoy that aspect of FFXIV. It lets me raid without forcing me into the relentless grinds of WoW’s borrowed power systems, and the raids don’t trap me in a group for hours on end.

That’s obviously just how I like to play though. I don’t like being forced to play a game to keep up with the power curve. I’d rather just do what I want to do and then log off.

If you’re the type that wants a ton of endgame raiding content, then yeah WoW usually provides a lengthier experience (plus M+, obviously).

I haven’t played FF in a while but I remember having to level a Pug to play a marauder.