It is my perspective that blizzard would make huge amounts more if they made ever-green systems so people could play any xpac and de-emphasized the race. EA, seasons, gimped older xpacs, no real coherent leveling path for new players (see all youtube vids on this topic). However, if you made it ever-green I could and would slow roll survival style up through each and every xpac forever. Now though the RACE or FOMO stuff just makes me want to unsub each season. There is only about a month of content per release imo. Though I will say DF and TWW appear more casual friendly we will see. BUt I am out on EA after the rachet up fiasco.
Wow is the standard. I don’t know of what standards you using… Guild of wars 2 has a some standards. Wow classic has some standards. Why are you threatened by ever-green alt/casual friendly systems. I mean 9 million more subs like in WoTLK seems better than current. Wotlk was great. I used drag very new to gaming peeps through raids and dungeons but cata killed that quick… real quick. The race can be fun but also make it a level playing field which is a term derived from other sporting events because if it is hard for everyone in the same way then the achievement is that much better for the top, maybe?
Honestly Blizzard should make Delves drop mythic look. Maybe not at the same rate as mythic dungeon/raid but it should be turned into an alternative!
Not a race, a chore, and most people typically want to either avoid chores or get through them as quickly as possible.
To be fair, progress at the very beginning is the slow point, Beyond the race to world first, there is no real race to complete all of the content and keys are all about where you finish and not when you start. In time, players should be capable of clearing heroic even if they didn’t play for the first month of the season. When it comes to keys, if players find that your skill exceeds what your rating says, there’s a good chance they might want to play more keys with you and by networking you can get past the trouble of low rating pug life.
Wouldn’t it be nice if Blizzard stopped designing the entire game around people who pug M+?
It’s to keep people subbed longer. I don’t normally say stuff like this but it’s the only reason I can think of. There’s a lot of people who would blow through the content in a week and unsub because they’re bored. The arbitrary timegate is to keep those people around longer.
There’s an easy fix to that.
Remove the faceroll versions of the content.
This is why they love M+. They make 8 new dungeons and recycle old dungeons to keep people grinding. At least raids get new content post launch.
My experience with pugging is the same as everyone else and to be frank low rating pugging is the easiest part.
When I start late I don’t get invited to +15 keys. I start like everyones elsem do my m0 for gear, do every dungeon to a +1 then do every dungeon to +2 then +3 and so on. I build up m+ score so I can have a chance to get invited high keys.
Now high key pugging is the hardest. I have a harder time finding pug groups with 3kio for +15 keys then I do finding groups for +9 or +10 with 2kio.
It probably takes me a month to achieve something like that. Shi doesn’t get done in a week
That’s whatever to me. At least it’s something to do. Timegating is just withholding content for no reason other than to keep people around.
Make your own groups?
To lazy, i prefer to sit afk signing up for groups well I watch something on the other monitor. And I also enjoy the progression of going through all the m+ levels and gearing up slowly. I’m not a fan of jumping right into 15s. When I do it that way I also get really good at the dungeons and all the ins and outs
Sorry but the people who not even a couple days into an expansion that cry about lack of content because they raced everything not sleeping are the cringe ones
They have a lack of content because of the players that complain about falling behind.
They have had their gameplay nerfed because other people are upset about how they like to play.
No offense but anyone who finds playing the game to be a chore should just stop playing, games are meant to be fun and if you’re not having fun you’re free to go elsewhere. Forcing one’s self to play a game that they find to be tedious and a chore is just going to make them ruin the mood for everyone else in some way. People who treat the game like a race cause dungeons to be speed runs which muddles the fun of others as some folk just want to see and enjoy content not be forcibly rushed through it.
It is a race and it’s broken… But also I like pugging. The best part of a MMO is all the different people you can run with and meet. I remember spending about 4 or 5 hours leveling dungeons with a group of Brazilians and learning some Portuguese. That was 10 years ago and still it’s a good memory. Pugging is MMO while a tiny tight group that is non-interacting with the locals are just tourists. You get to you destination and stay in your hotel and then go home, that doesn’t sound very MMO to me. lol. But this is just another fart in the wind.
Serious question.
How does buddy speed running a dungeon in a separate instance muddle your fun when your running around the game .
Omg that guy just ran that dungeon so friggen fast, how dare he. Because he did that now I cant enjoy the game! Blizzard!!!
It is a race if, like me, you want the option to use standard flight. Because you can only use it after completing all the main questlines and exploring all the zones. Given how much more physically comfortable it is for me and others to use standard flight, that means pushing through the content asap. I don’t stop to do dungeons or delves (both of which I want to do), I don’t work hard on my professions (also want to do) I just go from quest to quest to quest.
That isn’t me wanting to get to 80 fast, that is me wanting to get an option I should have had at the same time I got skyriding. So yeah, tell it to Blizzard, don’t ask me.
So do I, but people like you are I aren’t the target audience is my understanding.