Why do new players need to be handheld so much?

bye bye… :wave: :wave:

So you die, learn why you died, and try not to die again.

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Bye, you have no significance to me. You’re a rude person.

Mouseover macros and downloading color coated addon plater profiles help a lot to making kicking easier but it is not intuitive, it all takes time to setup to improve the experience from the base game UI.

Definitely seen the complaint threads about that in here frequently enough…not being able to get into end game content without some addon(s).

Definitely agree. That feels really dirty on Blizzards part. Just ban the addon or something…dont make content FOR it, otherwise their kinda forcing players to use it…and what happens if those addon makers abandon them? Then what?
Ive had 3 or 4 addons I loved be abandoned and now they just dont work right anymore.
Bliz needs to make content for PLAYERS, not addons.

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As others have said, I think the game is much more complicated than it was in vanilla because of the way the expansions work. I mean chromie time, but also a lot of the old quests have bugs etc.

I’ve been playing since launch too and the leveling experience in December 2004 was much smoother. That’s why Timerunning has been so popular as well.

But also I’m pretty self sufficient in googling most things. Because I’m genX and had to drink from the hose etc lol.

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Neither is tapping the strafe key when entangling or volcanic pops on you. It’s just an inconvenience that adds to what the dungeon naturally throws at you to complicate the situation.

To me this is to-may-to, to-mah-to.

And how many times is that going to happen before a new player goes “f this, im going to play league”

someone needed to say it.
And the OP here is CLEAR proof of the behavior you describe.
‘Muh MMO’z’…My rump.
They scream its a MULTI player game then their behavior makes new players hate the game and go play something else.

And how many games of League do you play as a player until you uninstall?

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Again, new player, “why do i need to go to a secondary website and get all this crap?”


You don’t need it as a new player.

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To be fair, old players have always asked the same thing.

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oddly, Ive had to go to the Wowhead comments HUNDREDS of times in playing WoW.
I never had to even ask for help in ESO. go figure.

You say that, but try and do a raid without dbm, even as someone thats played the game for 10 years its very annoying. Again, im saying this because ive seen people trying the game and walk away because the difficulty curve and reward just isnt there.

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I’ve raided heroic without dbm because I was too lazy to download the new version.

My current addons are probably patches out of date.

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Your not seeing the issue, of course raiding without dbm when you have played the game for years and have hundreds of hours invested is doable. But for someone thats just starting, absolutely not, a new player doesnt even know what to do with a swirly.

People learn to move out… like… by the first time they ever do a dungeon.

So what happens when theres a stack swirly? Now youve confused the new player even more since there is effectively 0 distinction between the 2 without using an outside resource

You can think of it less as handholding and more that insuring accessibility and speed increases adoption. There are way more options for gamers today than their were 20 years ago. Why play something opaque when you can hop into something else and be playing right away?