Why do new players need to be handheld so much?

And yet I don’t see where people want the game to be a face roll and this is a minority opinion and same goes for making not new player friendly are also in the minority. Those silent majority doesn’t even use the forums or whatever to communicate their views on the game.

I’m new to the game , my friends talked me into playing and I managed to finish the df story, collect all my dragon riding glyphs, complete zerlek caves quests and emerald dream after 7 days. Not everyone new to the game needs hand holding, I think of myself as very resourceful and rarely need to ask for help.


And that is why blizzard should tune them out. But oh wait if they turn a blind eye on them then they would label blizzard as not listening to player feedback it’s like this community is dense on what it really wants for the game as a whole.

What’s your prediction of TWW Season 2 m+ affixes? First time in WOW history that keys above 12 will have affixes removed.

They listen, usually to the wrong people. Rarely to the right people.

Whenever I play a new game, I never expect anyone to hold my hand; I just play and learn along the way.

I think it’s quite hypocritical of you to suggest that you can speak on general terms, but then immediately act like you can insult people and make up lies all the time.

Nobody has said they want the game to be easier, you’re just making up strawmen and moving the goalpost all the time. You can’t hold a position without having to deflect.

Blizzard has had a nasty streak for a while of catering to the lowest common denominator.

And that’s not just game difficulty; they also go out of their way to protect trolls. From the removal of account-wide ignore on the forums, to the vote kick protection that makes trolls immune to group kicks after they’ve been kicked enough times - which just subjects the unfortunates in the last group to the trollish behavior with no recourse.

Plenty of people do want the game to be easier.

M+ will be even easier thanks to their MOAR OUTPUT “affixes.”

I don’t know about those so I can’t speak about it.

I haven’t been following it. Whatever Blizzard does, the whining and bellyaching from the M+ crowd about “the monster actually hit me! this is too hard!” will get everything nerfed on a weekly basis for the first couple months, until M+ is once again the WoW equivalent of Candyland or Chutes & Ladders.

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I feel like a lot has to do with the fact that a good chunk of the general population is just not tolerant of new players anymore.

New players get kicked for going slow, getting lost or just being bad all the time. Blizzard feels the need to handhold them because players simply won’t.

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And that is why followers dungeons exist to allow those who have had bad experiences in real people environment.

A lot of old-timers went out of their way in the old days to help out new players; only to have those new players just quit a few days later or incessantly beg for hand-outs.

Which is getting tiresome to keep hearing them to be spoon fed because they lack the capabilities of doing certain things in the game and want accommodation to there lack of difficulty needs.

I think the last time I really went out of my way to help somebody new was a few years ago, I was in Eversong and ran across this single low-level Blood Elf who was having trouble, so I started giving him some tips.

For a few days, he would whisper me with new questions, and I would answer them for him.

Then one day he went off his rocker and started screaming at me about how WoW was stupid because it was just a rip-off of Lord of the Rings. And then I never saw or heard from him again.

After running into enough crazies, it’s difficult to convince yourself to really go out on a limb to help another new player who will probably (a) quit, or (b) turn out to be a crazy, or (c) both.

And pointing the finger at veterans over that is stupid. It’s entirely the fault of people who abused our generosity, in the past.

Well, my experience was the opposite I helped out a low level and he or she was thankful for my advice and my supportive hand. (This was few months back)

Wow has an incredibly steap learning curve, it really is that simple. An example is telling someone thats new they need to kick a cast, they are going to have 0 idea what you mean by kick, also its not immediately obvious what casts can be kicked and which ones cant, same with cc, there isnt a single thing in game to tell you about diminishing returns or cc and cc types. Even something as simple as knowing that frontal attacks are a thing and how far they go (since the attack animations for alot of aoe abilities is VERY poor)

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Interrupts used to be part of the new player tutorial, back when it was on the airship.

Does the starting island not have something on interrupts?

(I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been there.)

But content most people do, only require a fraction of people’s toolkits.

Don’t have to be remotely perfect.

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Yes, but if you dont want to get kicked from every group you have to atleast be able to not die in group content, which if you have no idea whats going on is going to be incredibly hard as a new player. I say this because i remember i had a friend who started wow on classic and wanted to play some shadowlands when that dropped and he stopped after a week because it was just WAY to much (bear in mind wasnt a bad player either in other games)

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