Why do new players need to be handheld so much?

No, they are not and video games are supposed to challenge the player if it doesn’t teach you how to problem solve then we are left with an entirely easy game with no scale of difficulty. Plus, normal raids is not as hard compared to mythic raids.

In what world are modern wow encounters not more difficult than they were previously? There’s literally more mechanics happening at once.


The game is hyper fixated on end game instead of exploring. Part of a new game where EVERYONE is a new player, is everyone is exploring, and that is part of the fun. Eventually, the people who have explored everything get tired of those new players who are just starting out. Melding those 2 groups isn’t a clean process and probably can’t be.

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That is because previously the game technology was limited and couldn’t do much but now it has made improvements. And now, compared to the past they can do things they previously couldn’t. And how is facerolling things fun it will get stale fast and it will cause stagnation over time.

Fact: people who have been playing wow since day 1 have the equivalent of a post doctorate education. They had lots of issues they didn’t work through on their own, but discussed with their friends who had already found the solution online and shared it.

Also fact: WoW needs new players to replace old farts like you and me when we die. Actual new players who don’t know how to play videogames. They need to appeal to these players and provide them with a path toward learning the game. They are the future of WoW. There aren’t a massive number of hypercompetitive gamers out there who want to play WoW. Either they’ve tried it or they’ve heard about it, but they know enough to have made their decision.

Also fact: It has always been the case that veteran players of any game look down on new players. They think they’re stupid for not knowing everything that a veteran player with decades of experience knows. They think somebody who has never played a videogame before should be able to drop in and start raiding on day 2, should know everything about the current expansion and have a high skill level on that day 2. That there is nothing to learn, therefore new players are idiots.

I think it would be a great help for Blizzard to find a place on its website for flow charts to help new and returning players understand their options. But I don’t see that happening, because egos like yours would be wounded.

That’s your opinion. Not all players want all hard all the time. Does your entire life revolve around doing everything the hard way? Do you roast your own coffee in a skillet on the stove, then grind it in a mortar and pestle because it’s morally superior to buying roasted and ground coffee? Do you walk everywhere because driving a car is boring?

This is entertainment. What you find entertaining may be entirely unrelated to what others find fun.


Your argument is all over the place. What’s facerolling got to do with anything? And yeah they have better tech now, which allows them to make harder fights.

Or watch one youtube video and think they have all the knowledge to install the rebuilt engine in the car yourself after watching just one youtube video.

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EverQuest is still going strong! New expansion this December (expansion from just last December is still rocking). New TLP just came out. Great time to relive the old days with no hand-holding.

If you really want no hand-holding (or other QoL), check out Project1999. Not for the feint of heart. Definitely no hand-holding or spoon-feeding of any kind.

Like a man who needs to empty the dishwasher, if they just stick to playing dumb someone will eventually do it for them. :crazy_face:

Sorry OP, but whining about “kids these days” doesn’t make you a big powerful gamer.

That’s a lot of words for empty virtue signaling.

And how would you know what you need to pay attention to or not? The game drops you at the old content.

you’re cracked if you honestly believe modern raid fights are the same as classic raid fights.

I think it has something also to do with generally lower literacy rates in the west. Or at least, just reading comprehension.

That and blizz realized it’s much easier to just have a dot on the map than to write out clever directions.

That person is either a troll or a dunce. Nothing they say ever approaches sense.

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Imagine if raids still required crap like resist gear or Onyxia Scale cloak.

Classic pre modern technology and were limited by it

Modern with modern technology and can now make harder fights

Your comparison is so bad like why are you comparing raids that were made before the 2010s to now the 2020s?

Comparing wow to itself as a measurment of difficulty is pretty good for a comparison i would say.

The answer is yes, fights are harder than before.

And yet people want the fights to be harder and all of the sudden y’all want them to reverse course and make the fights a one mechanic fight or no mechanic at all? Like make up your mind.

It’s because gaming expanded several years ago to include non-gamers. Largely through the proliferation of phone games.

Gamers can figure out what to do. Non-gamers cannot. Too many game publishers these days are chasing the brass ring of getting non-gamers to buy their games.

(Source: I’ve been in game publishing more than 25 years.)

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Please point to where I said that. ( I didn’t. You’re making things up)