Why do Nathrezim now have genders and sexual dimorphism?

He takes religion seriously. No?

No, I saw his Yrel thread on GD, from long ago. I asked him if he thought the Crusades were justified.

Yes. Except for the hike of children and beggars.

Tramp. Bum. Rogue. Poor man. Some of these words should work.

Huh, why is that?

Why justified or why not justified?

Why were they justified, except for a few?

Because more or less decent people were dying. “Corresponding” to a conventional war.
Because the war is for the land.
Any war for territory … Okay, I give up. “At least they died decently.”

Unfortunately I don’t think it’s possible with the current engine. We can’t even have hair and hat exist at the same time on our toons. A slider would require gear to also “slide” with each body

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Elf expansion isn’t canon!

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I can see how that would be problematic for rendering. But that doesn’t stop Kul Tirans from still being able to wear armorr. If they can scale armor from a Vulperia to a Tauren or a Kul Tiran it can’t be that hard to create a slider.

This is a serious question and a serious thread. Let’s ignore Renastus’ latest attempt at a personal attack on me and focus on the matter at hand. There’s a lot of WoW races this could be asked about, including the Shivarra.

For me, the first female Dreadlord was seen in Shadowlands. I always considered the female Nathrezim in Hearthstone not an actual Nathrezim but an alternate skin referencing to the “Dreadlord Jaina” meme from Legion; some fans found Jaina so out of character there, they assumed she was being impersonated by a Dreadlord.

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Alright, I am willing to discuss this further.

I think you meant to say “Heroes of the Storm,” instead of “Hearthstone.” You are correct that it’s a reference to the Dreadlord Jaina meme. However, actual female Dreadlords have appeared in Hearthstone. Neither Heroes of the Storm nor Hearthstone are canon. You are also correct that they first appeared in Shadowlands, within this game.


Oh, yeah, Hearthstone’s the card game, my mistake.

It does seem like some races were made male and female forms for aesthetic reasons, though this raises questions of why those beings reproduce, especially supernatural ones. Take Therazane the Stonemother for instance. She’s an elemental spirit who took physical form, but she has offspring despite being made of rock.

You made a good point about how and why demons would need to reproduce. Now the Nathrezim origins have been retconned, do you think that would be necessary for Nathrezim for that reason?

Denathrius could just keep making them the way he did the first time, and when he first made them I don’t think he was anticipating sending them away like he did (“banishing” them to save face after the Light ravaged Revendreth in retaliation for a Nathrezim infiltration).

It seems to me like elementals have always needed to reproduce, as well. That is simply how the cosmic force of Life created them. It is known that proto-dragons, and thus modern dragons, have evolved from Elemental spirits thst were imprisoned. You should also keep in mind that Princess Theradras, the daughter, of Therazane the Stonemother, is the mother of the Centaurs, with Zaetar.

I think you misunderstand the Nathrezim here. They were never Stone creatures, like the Stoneborn. They are simply a race that he sired. Similar to beliefs about the creation of humanity in world religions, it is possible Denathrius simply created a bunch them, with reproductive system, to create more later on. It wasn’t stated that they were built like products in a factory. I don’t think he had any intention of producing more, or if he has the power to do so.

And, the current Nathrezim, despite the lore being retconned, became are stilll Demons. They were not originally so, but they absorbed Fel energy, and that’s what they became. Although, In Revendreth, you do not see them using Fel magic, and they do look different.


You never know, they could be like the Arakkoa where there is no obvious differences between males and females.

Besides, do people really want to see fish breasts? We have female Murlocs in the game and they use the standard Murloc model. Why would Jinyu, who are evolved Murlocs have breasts suddenly?

I want the chest of the female House of the Chosen warriors. Which uses the Kul Tiran model but they have a flat chest instead of a slight gut.


Sure but Arrakoa have male and female voice lines and are referred to by gender. Every known Jinyu has male voice files and pronouns.


Asked and answered.

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This comment reminds of that video where the woman was like “I do not want to be strong like man who look pretty, I want to be strong like woman who fight bear in the woods”

I dig it.

looks at Azshara

Yes. I’m sure there’s a market for that.




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If extend this to everything in the world, then either all “natural creatures” (made of meat) are prone to change of appearance, or this is a quirk of the Titans about the perception of nature as prone to this.