Why do Nathrezim now have genders and sexual dimorphism?

Yes, they can all take humanoid forms.

Chiji likes Blood Elves, Yulon and Xuen become Pandaren iirc, or maybe Xuen became a Human, and Niuzao became a Tauren, during the Garrosh trial


I mean, don’t we see female Dreadlords outside of the WoW MMO? Chalk it up to another detail the WoW team just never implemented out of sheer laziness, seeing as neglect of duties is mentioned in the lawsuit, this is probably the most likely reason… for a lot of things that should have been “Canon” from the get go and included.

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Are there examples of the diversity of forms among “natural beings” who are not the August Celestials?

The first one we ever saw was the female Dreadlord Jaina skin in HoTS. In Hearthstone, they also replaced the Succubus card “Mistress of Pain” with a female Dreadlord “Queen of Pain.”

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And maybe they will someday. But it’s a lot easier for an artist to draw a picture of a new gender for a race, than it is for them to model and animate one in the game.

They already gave us female Satyr’s though. They’re in WC3 reforged.

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Oh, I am not denying that it would take much more effort. I’m simply saying that they have something to base the models on.


They should make us some female Ogres by reskinning the Blood Troll Warmothers.


They would have to reskin male orges to look less derpy if they did that, and they would probably just look like fat orcs, I’d be down for fat orcs.

I’d be down for fat anything. If Elves can join groups like the Twilight’s Hammer, they should be able to have a food addiction as well.

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Someone in the GD mentioned a slider bar for body customization. It would be a nice addition to the game.

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I know. I was the first person who responded to that.

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I want to be a belf with human sized hips. Human body proportions are the best, but I don’t want to play a human. If you are playing this fantasy game, and choose to play a human, you are playing this game wrong.

No amount of eating can overcome our exalted metabolism.

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tis true soft tissue is the first to decompose :rofl:

No, the Female Blood Elf jokes about the next expansion making her look fat, so it must be a possibility, assuming that joke didn’t come up in the recent purge.

Edit: Yes, I know that expansions aren’t canon.

Why do we now have more stupid threads?

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I always give dead serious answers to any thread.


wrong answers only.

Was this ever a serious thread?

It’s a thread with “gender” in the title on the WoW forums. That’s bad enough. However, OP does seem serious.

:rofl: You don’t know OP