Why do Nathrezim now have genders and sexual dimorphism?

The Titans themselves have genders, so why not their creations?


Gender? It was about a change of appearance, right?

Okay, I misunderstood.

I mean most races have one of the two genders.

There are female stewards, and they have no sexual dimorphism that makes them different from the males. I think only the logic here is that humanoids would also share human characteristics, that’s why female Nathrezim have human female characteristics. We don’t know if the Nathrezim have always been an only male species, we have only interacted previous with males of the species.

Well, this IS the Story Forum, and the the current story is pretty stupid…

Maybe that helps explain the low elven population. Bearing children is easier with actual child-bearing hips.

Or… thier low population could be the result of being almost wiped out in the third war.


Considering canonically the blood elves still haven’t cleared the remaining Scourge out of the Ghostlands, or rebuilt Silvermoon, 10 years after the war I would imagine thier lack of rebuilding thier population relates back to the fact that they are still a very isolated kingdom still under threat of annihilation.

…well, sure, there was that genocide thingie, but if only their females had had wider pelvises to begin with they’d been capable of having children more frequently/easily, and been able to build up a larger population so that by the time of Arthas’ attack his forces wouldn’t have been sufficient to successfully wipe out a full 90% of their race in the first place!

Wait, seriously, canonically in-game things haven’t improved? Even with all the leaders of the Ghostlands Scourge and Amani Trolls wiped out and the Sunwell re-ignited at least a decade ago?

In the post Legion Three Sister Comic, the Windrunner sisters had to fight through Scourge to get to Winrunner Spire so yeah things haven’t changed at all for the blood elves since TBC.

…but that’s stupid. Even stupider than BFA.

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What’s even stupider is you still can’t fly in Silvermoon or Ghostlands but you can fly in the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms.

Blood elves have been completely ignored since TBC.

U don’t need hips to bear those skinny MFs

Silvermoon secretly has anti-mountcraft cannons to keep me from commencing an aerial invasion… (what the Blood Elves don’t know is I sneak through the front door regardless…)

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I think the reason we can’t fly is explained that they repaired the Ban’dinoriel, but it would be way cooler if we actually saw a huge dome over Quel’thalas, but that would require Blizzard updating it’s Silvermoon IP, which they haven’t done since 2006.

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Warlocks will have male incubus options for succubi.

I’m still trying to figure out if the Twisting Nether and fel magic even exist or matter anymore after the parade of retcons to demon lore starting in Legion and continuing through Shadowlands. The efficacy of whether Nathrezim should have genders didn’t even cross my mind.

Like if a DH dies in the Shadowlands does their soul get routed through Shadowlands bureaucracy? Or does it get zorped back into the Twisting Nether for us to crawl out of like Neo on a bender? Why do these large goth elves keep calling me a mortal when I’ve been told I have an immortal demon soul?

So many questions, there aren’t enough pikachu faces to cover them all.

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No one knows you or your pain. That is what makes you emo elves. Duh.

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Certain Demon Hunters, like Illidan and the player character, have an “immortal demon soul” and go to the Twisting Nether when they die. The Venthyr you are talking to probably don’t know that. And maybe, even a mortal Demon Hunter dying in the Shadowlands works the same as it does for everybody else.

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Also when the central narrative isn’t explicitly stating otherwise, the player is basically a stand-in for any Illidari demon hunter among the “Champions of Azeroth.” You’re only specifically the demon hunter in charge of the Illidari (i.e. “The Slayer”) when the story deliberately calls back to it. Only the Slayer, Illidan and Varedis are confirmed as having immortal demon souls (though Loramus Thalipedes might be, or his resurrections could be tied explicitly to the unique circumstances of his deaths/revivals, and there are some potential implications that the Blind Hunter in the Brawler’s Guild might be a returned Leotheras), so most demon hunters aren’t sufficiently corrupted to have become full-fledged demons with their souls anchored to the Twisting Nether.

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Aren’t the Venthyr supposed to be able to ‘smell’ auras though? You’d think their aura sense would notice something different about the nathrezimized elf busting with two/merged souls and so much fel magic she glows in the dark.

At this point though I wouldn’t be shocked if Blizzard decided fel and the Twisting Nether were created by the Nathrezim in some gag 5D chess move that moves the plot where Blizzard wants it to go.

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