Why do most Tauren players NOT appreciate tauren?

Revolver Ocelot
( Revolver Ocelot)

It’s not us, OP, it’s you.

You are a panda :panda_face:, the worst scourge Azeroth has ever seen. Y’all go rolling around, leaving trails of fur every where you go. Disgusting.

You should be glad that we simply ignore you instead of trying to kill you and your brethren on sight.

/moo :cow:


I guess you could say, they got beef.


Well summed up.


Because all Tauren are traitors.


I have had random people whisper comments or compliments once in awhile. If I manage to notice it I will say thank you.

I really don’t like how whispers are handled now.


I’d probably ignore you too, if you were like “Hey cutie!”. If you said you liked my tmog, then that’s a diff story and I’d probably respond.

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You can change whispers to work as they did before by changing the ‘New Whispers’ setting to in-line, in Interface, Game, Social like


Im a Turen main since Warcraft 3. Watch out for that army of Big Beefey Boys zerging you. I have most classes by both Tauren and highmountain tauren max or close to max becuase warstomp and bull rush are so different. Honestly, Ive made lots of alts of many different races, but i just get bored after a while. Tauren Master Race!

Because I DO NOT put on my robe and wizard hat and I’m definitely not interested in cybering with some dude rping as a fictional female.

I don’t even do phone sessions with my gf.

The only thing I like doing in a simulation is things I don’t enjoy doing in real life.

Like killing stuff, stealing stuff, blowing stuff up, jumping off extremely tall cliffs to see if I can survive barely.

That kinda stuff. For lovin. I don’t want no simulation.

I know theres more to it. tell me…

I loved Cairn, but Baine is awesome as well. I honestly dont get the hate. He’s pretty wise, peaceful, yet not afraid to do what he feels is right


Generally seems the prevailing attitude is because doing the right thing, in freeing & releasing daelin and the couple undead that had to be taken out to do so, and in general questioning Sylvannas at various points before she went all ‘horde is nothing’ and left, makes him a traitor.

Doesn’t matter that he was right, doesn’t matter that the right thing was being done, he questioned and acted against the then warchief so he is a horrible traitor.

Add to that he is friends with Aduin before and after be became King which people also see as being a traitor to the Horde, and that he is generally a pacifist which is a black mark to a lot of people that post on the forums (there always has be war and bloodshed between the factions you know)

Kind of surprising there isn’t as much hate for Vol’jin who was doing the same against Garrosh, but I guess perhaps because he didn’t have the friends with an Alliance person and overt pacifism I suppose.


Probably because he keeps waiting to do things until they have a strong Alliance benefit, rather than doing things for the Horde.

Like how defiling an Alliance corpse was the issue to make him resist Sylvanas. Not when she defiled Tauren corpses.

Or how he suggested surrendering to the Alliance at the funeral of King Rastakhan, in front of his daughter. While she was grieving. After the Alliance just invaded and killed him.

Its because Baine only worried about “doing the right thing” for Alliance based reasons. Not Horde based reasons.

Probably because Voljin was pushing back against Garrosh for Horde reasons. He didn’t need Alliance reasons to push him into action.


I don’t even think I have war stomp on a keybind.

Why thank you

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Forum perceived Alliance reasons sure. Not wanting to try to genocide a race, use people as living bombs or worse against their family, or just in general have mindless war for the sake of war, isn’t “not horde reasons”, it is anti-Garrosh/Sylvannas reasons, and hence doing the right thing for the right reasons, regardless of faction, yes.


Why didn’t he fight back when his own people were dying in mass under Sylvanas’ thumb?

Why didn’t he fight back when members of the Horde were dying under Sylvanas’ thumb?

He grumbled. He carried on with Sylvanas’ plan.

But when something Sylvanas did would hurt the Alliance? Well now thats a different story. And he just had to do something.

No one hurts the Alliance under the gaze of Baine and gets away with it. Killing Tauren? Thats fine, though. He will literally instruct the Tauren not to fight back.


Why would anyone hide that magnificent tauren chest hair lol

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THIS 100% too many furry critters that try to act cute…

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