Why do melee have so many favorable maps

There’s a map pool rotation

I thought that pool was normal ladder, and shuffle has its own handful of maps.

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I think it applies to shuffle as well

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Shuffle has had the same pool of maps since it was a brawl in SL

Still yet to see empyrian, robodome, hook point. I thought the rotation was supposed to be weekly.

I’m almost pretty certain that it does apply to shuffle, as I didn’t get mug the entire time I was back and I didn’t realize there was a rotation until later

I’ve definitely seen that one in shuffle

Have you? I’m like 99% sure I’ve never seen Dalaran, Ashamane’s, Hook Point, Robo or Empyrean.

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I only get Maldraxxus, Blade’s edge, nagrand, Black rook, that SL one from 8.3, the new DF one and the zandalar one.

I am like now 70% certain I’ve seen that one.

I never see those either. Always get black rook hold or blades edge and have a miserable time

Aren’t those ideal for warrior cleave?

Nobody likes blades edge

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blades edge sucks, black rook might be but i just have a terrible time on it