Why do males play female characters?

they’re more attractive and its 2019, gender is a spectrum now.

I don’t really care but i was asking the question to prove a point. I knew that all my guesses were going to be wrong. When people try to guess why anyone would play an opposite gender character do they bother thinking if their guess is going to be correct or not? I think 3 or 4 people have already posted up their guesses and when i apply it to myself i think to myself nope, nope, nope, nope pretty much all wrong guesses. And where does that leave us? on the path to this same question being asked again days/weeks/months from now on this forum or another by someone thinking that * theeeeeey * are the one that finally figured it out.

They want to look at a sexy character instead of a man’s rear for 1 billion hours of playing maybe lol.


I play characters. I don’t play AS my character. This is not a simulation game. This is not a role-playing game. My characters are not me.

I’m not a troll or a tauren in real life. Gender matters a whole lot less than species! What kind of person only plays WoW with a character that looks like the irl player? Do you only play checkers with pieces that are carved with your face? Me neither.

As a previous poster says, I will see this character in the center of my screen for thousands of hours. I don’t want to look at something ugly for thousands of hours, so I avoid ugly (from behind) characters. At the same time, I want to play every race.

That means many of my characters are female, but not all of them.

This is one of the most gender-less games that exists. NOTHING is different for male and female characters – not even stats! Why should I choose male characters?

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Sometimes I play male characters, often I play female ones.

Why? I dunno, I like women, so if I have to pick which to look at longer…I’ll often take the female. Sometimes it class dependent, I always roll my healers as female, maybe thats sexist, but I don’t care. Sometimes its better animations or attractiveness of the armor. Boobs in plate have appeal if you like high fantasy, if I rolled Alliance (rare) I might roll a Female Human Warrior.

I find it super super rare that anyone who does this actually pretends to be female, maybe they will to try and get free stuff (cause we all know thirsty dudes will give away stuff for attention), but beyond that, I never see it. I honestly assume EVERY player is male until proven otherwise.

why do female play male character ?

Smaller toons. More pleasing combat sounds.

sometimes you just hate staring up a bull’s nether regions

Preach, ummm sister?

Lets start with I’m a 59 year old male veteran. Given that I remember when TBC released doing table dances with a female blood elf for one gold a pop. Might mean I’m actually a pig but gold is gold.

Makes me feel more masculine looking at a female body all the time.

But in all seriousness, I love how an specific undead female face looks like.

Well most are too shy to say the real reason I think. Anyone telling you it’s about “animations” also probably has a bridge to sell you.

Typically I find men who play female characters probably fantasize about being a female themselves. Nothing wrong with that really. It isn’t for me, but that is what makes them happy in the game so that’s cool with me.


I personally like playing as male. But, those who play as female just like the animations, or armor looks. It’s similar to using right or left handed in a fps, if it let’s you pick.

It’s not some fetish thing (for the most part), as many who don’t understand will try to say.

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I have a female nightelf druid and hunter. I dislike the male nightelf model / animations so for my druid it was the only option. I’m in bear form most of the time anyway so meh. For the hunter, similar situation since i don’t like either dwarf model / animations, my only option was female nightelf on the alliance side.

I play male humans. When I play horde, it’s male characters because I like the male models for most of those. I might play a female orc just because I really like the model and animations.

ultimately, that’s it… I have a preference for a model and animation. I’m not RPing or “staring at a nice butt” or any of that crap. I just want the character I’m playing to be aesthetically pleasing while I play.

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i always play my main and 1 alt , dont have time for multiple characters like some people do. my alt is always female idk why i just do it, i also pick a female name lol and no i dont pretend to be famale

Why do you care? It is their money to spend for the entertainment they want. Spread love not hate!

I think girls look pretty. I also think sunrises look pretty. Doesn’t mean I want to be either one. Doesn’t mean I want to sleep with either one, come to think of it.

i was strongly considering pretending to be a cow

Good thing you made this post…I have never seen anyone ask this question on the wow forums before!