Why do i need to use google

To find where to turn in the season 4 mark of mastery?

Why isn’t there a quest to bring us to the new npc???

Or keep it in the same location?

Or just put it in the currency tab and stop flooding our bags with currency?


No one knows where the parting glass is! It’s a random location i never got a quest to go to and the guards don’t even tell you!

It doesn’t even show up on the map!

I been playing this game for over 15+ years, now imagine how a new player must feel.




I’ll admit I have no idea what this currency is or where you get it, but does it state on it where you need to turn it in, in-game?


A) it’s what you get for clearing H, or getting KSM, or whatever the equivalent PVP milestone is.
B) It’s hilarious the OP didn’t read the tooltip.


Reading is hard, apparently.


Thanks. I pulled that image off WoWhead, and I honestly wasn’t sure if the tooltip was the same in-game.

And that.

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It’s so funny that a room in the city that 90% of people spend ALL their time in is somehow difficult to find.

I’ve seen tons of people in discords, streams, and comment sections seemingly unable to go to one quadrant of a city they are ALWAYS in and find where they need to go.

Watching people idiot around, damned sleepwalkers man.


makes a game of trying to remember where the “The Parting Glass” is without looking it up

guesses wrong
gets turned around for a moment looking for my second choice a couple of doors away from where it’s located
finds it eventually
wonders if it would have taken me any longer I didn’t already more or less know where the bars were

tries to decide if this little search was a fun RPG moment or not


I dont know if ive even ever been in there before. I had to look it up (i read it initially as grass instead of glass).

Still dont think ive been in there before. Why would people be there and spend time there??


They literally stuck the vendors in an inn room in the city, it’s not like it’s tucked away in a cave in sector three, level four of Thaldrazsus. That’s my point. Sometimes you dink around and find out, if you want to know this second go Google it.

Don’t know if it requires going onto a video game forum to start a complaint thread about.

Complaint thread. Definitely not.

An inquiry wouldn’t have hurt though. Closest ive been to there is the hairdresser for my Druid forms.

And that one open room just below it with female goblin. Ive had no reason to go into the inn. Especially when i use the Roasted Ram inn.

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Most players don’t have a reason to go back there though. Like I personally didn’t even know there was an inn back there until I went for one of the daycare quests, and even then that was pre-patch and I didn’t pay mind to the name of the inn or the NPCs inside.


I mean, if a player has the time to complain in the forum it seems they have time to google… amirite?


I agree with the OP that at least a quest turn-in with a yellow diamond marker on the map would’ve made this much easier. See my comments about not exploring every nook and cranny of a capital because 90% of my time in Valdrakken is spent on weekly quest givers and the AH/Crafter NPCs, not exploring useless rooms I’ll never use (until Blizz puts a useful NPC in said otherwise useless room and then I need to lookup where that is rather than waste time “exploring” to find it).

I do spend a lot of time in Valdrakken, but I had never been to The Parting Glass and that tooltip would have still had me look it up on Wowhead (which I too did).


you could ask your fellow players…


I done this in chat just cause I needed a quick answer. You’ll get trolls, but there are still players who are helpful.

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Why do i need to use google

You don’t. You can always use Bing.

I read the tool tip duhhhh!

No one knows where the parting glass is!

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don’t use google for wow info.

you’re likely to end up somewhere which will either try to steal your account info, or leave you with a keylogger.

(oh, and reading tooltips is kinda helpful too) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Reading the tooltip didn’t help, i never been to the parting glass, no clue what it is or why people ever went there,

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Sometimes its better to let google do the wowhead searching for me.