Why do i need to use google

Do the guards tell you where it is? I haven’t checked and I can’t remember the name of them to look it up. I’m not online right now or I’d check.

nope, so all the people saying “just read the tooltip”

Are trolling

To be fair, the OP was a little vague on what you meant by where to turn it in. The tooltip dies tell you where. But your actual issue was the location of the inn itself, not the general “where” that people inferred.

I feel this needs signal boosting. DF has been plagued with this nonsense.

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Blizzard: Players can never find vendors, we should stop using them!
Blizzard later: Puts vendors in places most people have no clue where it is, guards don’t say

Also so much currency for items off vendors everywhere. World of Vendorcraft

Spend 90% of their time?

I never been to the parting glass on 10 different alts and i play all day everyday.

Maybe because im a pvper and you guys get a pve quest to go there or something?

The guards don’t even tell you where it is.

But it’s funny you feel the need to come into my thread and try to insult me.

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So why are you asking when you already have the answer?

bows graciously, and leaves the whiny thread about a vendor being hard


Reading the tooltip tells you the parting glass

I have never been to the parting glass, i have no clue what that area is , i never received a quest to go there ever,

The guards don’t even tell you where it is, there is no map marker or information of the area on the map. Stop trolling.

So how do i have the answer?

Do you know where every single vendor is? or every random location in the game?

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

Yes, so I immediately knew it was the bronze section of Valdrakken where the Bullion vendors are. How many more clues do you need?

I guess you wouldn’t if you lack a brain. Cheers.

Follows closely behind, with a single and specific finger raised.

Bullion vendors? WTF is that? normal people don’t do random world content. or care about collecting useless battle pets.

Because you know something and someone else doesn’t know, does not mean it’s easy to find it.

Lack the brains?

Your legit 1500 highest ever in pvp as a warrior the most op class in the game.

Im 2900 as shadow priest.

Would you say you need to be smart for pvp? im pretty sure you do.


Parting Glass is the Inn over there by the Forge of Innovation or whatever. Basically that big forge we got the season one sparks…the inn is across from it and all the season four vendors hanging out in there. If that helps then great you’re welcome, have a nice day all

I never even heard of the Parting Grass before today.


Very clearly a troll post. This is like saying “I dont know where Undercity is”.

And if its not, well…Thats on you. Seriously. If you dont explore and learn where things are, then why even play a MMORPG? We all get lost sometimes, and the fun is in exploring and finding things.

I mean, it says in Valdrakken. So you already have an area to look in. The Parting Glass? That sounds like an Inn. You didnt have to google, you could have flown around and looked for the place using context clues.


Ok dude like anybody knows what the “parting glass” is without googling it lmao.


Do we have a token that needs to be turned in at a “random inn” inside undercity?

If we did, then YES we would have millions of people trying to figure out where it’s at.

Millions of people would be looking for a Capital City that has portals to it?

Very definitely a troll, then.

Kinda dumb. They gave us a quest for another item that the bosses drop, but dont give a quest for these new items? Ive never bothered to explore the city. Theres nothing immediate that helps you go there.

Why does the city have so many inns? Why would i expect several different inns in one city? I thought it was some bar put in town for flavor, no real use till now. Ive been in the parting glass and still didnt know it was an inn. Nothing stood out. I saw the vendors, and the lightforge and voidelf talking, thats it.

Ok, and once your at the city, then what???

The guards don’t tell you where to go and there is no map marker or quest,

stop trolling

IRL, my small town of 3k has two.

You…fly around…and look. Like in any other game that doesnt tell you exactly where to go for stuff.

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