My game is constantly disconnecting every day, even though my internet connection is fine. I was even doing the quest, “Signs of the Lion” and was in a fight with Kosarus the Fallen, and had nearly defeated him, when my game disconnected and I re-entered the game to find my character dead, and the rest of my attempts to defeat him failed.
This is an absolute outrage! Him doing THAT much damage, even on level 1, is bad enough. I should have been allowed to finish that fight, when I had nearly defeated him!
The thing about Wow is it likes a strong connection - no packet loss. Your internet may seem fine for anything else. Not up to snuff for the game.
There is a lot to work through on that Support page as well as the Advanced section you can open. If you have any questions go ahead and put them up on here.
I’ve tried updating my drivers and changing every setting offered, to make the game more stable, but it’s still disconnecting. There’s got to be some way to stop it, without having to do a bunch of bogus rocket science that I don’t understand.
If I’m paying money, just to play this game, I should be able to do so in peace and not be kicked out of it every 30 seconds. Especially when I’m in the middle of a fight, especially especially in a dungeon or raid, or the maw.
The staff is not currently reporting problems with the servers, and it was the same the day you created this thread. Because of that, a disconnect is likely a local problem (inside the home) or a problem along the route to the server.
This forum is just a place to get advice on action you can take on your own to resolve a gameplay issue. We could debate about the fee and what it covers, but instead it would be more productive to know: were you able to complete all of the steps Tratt linked? If you need help finishing them, asking questions is ok.
This is NOT a local issue. Many of us in US central are being disconnected every 2 minutes or so… The issue began with the TBC prepatch and is DC’ing me from both TBC and retail
Hey dude, did the disconnects fix for you? They just started for me today. It seems more and more people started having these issues over the past 7 days. It’s definitely not an ISP issue.
More or less. There are times when I’m able to finish an entire raid wing without disconnecting, but there’ll usually be one or two disconnects before I actually get in. Other times, I’ll manage to finish an entire to do list in the maw, but usually get at least one disconnect in the process.
My wife and I live in Oregon and have been getting random disconnects for the past few days. We’ve never experienced anything like this. I have a direct connection to the router and my wife is on WiFi. We both get disconnected at the exact same time. Nothing seems wrong with our internet connection.
Some of our WoW friends have been experiencing the same thing. We’ve also seen people just randomly d/c from the game far more than is usual.
This seems like something more than local network issues. I’ve been wondering if it could be the recent solar storms. I read that they are severe enough that they could cause some issues.
Possibly, but only if you’re using WiFi / cellular / satellite based internet. Wireless signals don’t like interference. Though I noticed you’re using a fiber network so that shouldn’t be impacted by anything like that. My guess is there’s a problem in transit from the home network to our servers.
Lets go ahead and grab a winMTR so we can further investigate the problem. Here are the instructions:
Enter the game IP into the “host” field. The IP address for our games are listed on the winMTR instructions page
Start the test and play the affected game for at least 15 minutes. Ensure the problem happens while the winMTR tool is running.
After recording the problem data, click “export text” and save the winMTR file in an easy to find location.
Once you have that made, open the file. You’ll need to copy and paste the contents of the Text document into the post, and put four Tilde (~) marks above the winMTR. It’ll look like this:
WinMTR goes here
If you have issues pasting here, please use Pastebin and post the link (ex: Pastebin (dot) com/123456).
I’ve also been getting a lot of disconnects lately, and it’s only from WoW (Retail and Classic). It happens randomly, but usually a couple times an hour. Hoping this can help, or at least get some awareness of the issue.
No disconnects today so I haven’t been able to record anything. Hopefully, whatever the problem was, it’s been resolved. If it starts happening again, I’ll be sure to record it with the winMTR tool.
I’m also getting alot of 51900319 disconnects since pre patch. I’ve tried all the troubleshooting methods to no avail and am not experiencing packet loss through ISP
I keep having this issue on Retail and Classic. Can happen many times within an hour, or sometimes only a few times a day. Started happening since last week, roughly…
My report below. Traceroute also shows a dead connection on the 4th hop. 3rd hop is outside my ISP.
Aside from letting the team down multiple times a day, it’s also suuuuper annoying because no changes to my cast bars or macros are being saved. Every time I log in I have to re-fixthose things as they’ll have reverted to their previous state
I think the problem may (may) be fixed for me, as I was able to finish some maw business last night, and even more today - including two Torghast runs, on my rogue, without any disconnects.
The winMTR report looks pretty normal. Did a disconnect happen while the test was running? If not, it will not contain the data we need to help investigate the issue.
Side note, those nodes where it shows “no response from host” and 100% packet loss are also normal. It just means those nodes do not respond to test data. The winMTR uses test data which is formatted differently than game data so it can have a slightly different outcome.
So just going to mention this here, for about a week now I keep getting “randomly” disconnected. Seems to commonly happen when I am doing a mythic dungeon. Have done all the regular stuff (i.e reset internet, checked wow files, etc…) I live in the north east of the United States, which a earlier post mentioned was where players where having problems with the fore mentioned.
Again, just adding my experience to the rest.
Well, I’m here because of random disconnects, also. I’m playing TBC classic with my husband, I disconnect about every 20-30 mins, he doesn’t. Only been happening since Pre-patch. I noticed 2 things: it doesn’t save my chat box settings or quest-tracking, and it also completely shuts down the launcher, instead of just logging me out of the game. So, I thought I would do a repair on the installation, but that feature for TBC Classic is greyed out on my launcher. Any ideas? Do I have to completely reinstall? Edit: I restarted my pc, and now I can do a scan/repair on TBC Classic. Will see what happens.